Addicted to chocolate - help!!



  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    Chocolate is my ultimate weakness.

    I can’t go more than a few days in between getting a chocolate fix. I tried giving it up for two weeks once and I was SO GRUMPY.

    Turns out, I do better giving myself room in my calorie budget for deserts (aka chocolate and sweets) rather than going without completely. Otherwise I’d just binge on chocolate ice-cream and bars.

    Better I eat a little bit of it every other day rather than an entire carton of ice-cream once a week!


    But yeah, I get you. It’s all going to come down to self-discipline.
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    I have something chocolate almost every night but the type that does not have a high sugar base . I have found this to actually help my cravings, once I eat my dessert int the evenings then I am satisfied and done eating for the day. Try googling banana chocolate mug cake. Try a few versions that don't require the use of a sweetner beyond honey and see if that does the trick for you. Super good and super easy to make.
  • DrunkenFaeGirl
    I LOVE chocolate. I never thought that I'd be able to essentially give it up but I've somehow come to only have it once or twice a month and am happy still.
  • Lyn1424
    Lyn1424 Posts: 16 Member
    I too am an addict. Sigh!
    Skinny cow has an awesome chocolate line. My fav is the caramel squares. 130 cals for 3.
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for the advice, hints and tips. I'll definitely be trying some of this stuff x
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I have a chocolate addiction too. I end up eating a fair amount of it regularly still. but I take dark chocolate bars or milk chocolate with a high percentage of chocolate for milk (lower carbs is my goal) and break it up in to 8 pieces and wrap the pieces in saran wrap adn put them in a candy dish. it's easier for me to not to go for another one when they're individually wrapped. having the carb cut off at a certain point I also know i can't go past on my sugar allotment and that helps me refrain as well.

    I've also just discovered hail merry treats that are almond flour coconut oil and chocolate basically. low carb, kind of savory chocolate and fit in the keto diet pretty well. (I have a higher carb allowance than many give themselves, the keto stix say I can so why would I argue? :)
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I have eaten a ton of chocolate in my life. For the last three weeks I have had very little of it. Amazingly, it is not bothering me that much. I try not to eat it, since if I do I won't be able to have much else all day if I want to stay within my calorie limit.
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    I definitely can't live without chocolate. While I'm sure this isn't the healthiest thing, I like to end my day with a regular size Hershey bar, and probably do it at LEAST 4 days a week. Not king size, not snack size, just regular 210 calorie size. I find that it feels like a substantial amount of chocolate while not being all that "expensive" in the calorie department. I also find that I'm less likely to reach for other junk during the day if I know that I have my Hershey bar to account for and look foward to. :)