What do You do with a Crazy Schedule?

So I just finished a 10 hour shift that was scheduled as an 8. Have to be back at work in 5 and a half hours for a meeting. Then back 4 hours after that for an 11 hour shift. I work in fast food, so when a shift goes into overtime and I get hungry, guess what's there? And its only due to some diary manipulation that it appears I kept the day under my goal. (Since I work both sides of midnight I logged a shake and fries on 8/1 instead of 7/31, so 7/31 looks good. No Idea how I', gonna keep today under my goal...)

Any ideas? I know someone has to be in the same situation or have been before. What do you do when you get hungry at work and didn't have the opportunity to plan ahead and bring a low calorie snack or meal?

Do I just eat another salad? Not that I dislike salads, but I already eat one a day and I have a tendency to get bored eating the same thing more than once a day.


  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    bring snacks with you(granola trail mix....healthy things of that sort) so on your breaks, you can eat those and not be starving throughout the day and binge on fast food. It will help you tell yourself that you can wait a little bit more to go home and make something real quick rather than get something at work. There are tons of meals that take 30 minutes to cook. Rachel Ray is my inspiration, because she can make TONS of things in 30 mins. also, instead of salad, jsut get a lettuce wrap. I dont' know what fast food you work for, but almost everyone of them has a lettuce wrap option. And done get fries, just eat the sanwhich and drink tons of water, and if you are still hungry when you get home, then you can make yourself a side of veggies fo some sort. they have steamer veggies that cook in no time! Hope this helps
  • hartterjw
    I work the overnight shift, and I start counting for the new day after I get up. These last couple weeks have been kinda crazy (like your schedule), so I put everyting in for the current day until I go to sleep (the afternoon). like the other post, I too take granola bars to snack on, and sometimes bring in left overs or a light frozen meal to keep me from being tempted by the great food in our kitchen, I work at a very nice hotel/bed & breakfast. Those snacks keep me going til I get home, then have some kind of "dinner" or lunch type item to top off my day. Rachel Ray is a perfect example for quick meals, and usually have left overs from that to eat later, like at work! :) Its not easy working around all that tempting food, but like we said, keep yourself with some healthy snacks, and it can help avoid those temptations. Best of luck, and I will add you as a friend!
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    I work overnights at a hospital, but am stuck in the pharmacy. Nothing to tempt me here, unless I want to snack on pills. My shift is 9.5 hours, plus 3 hours of commute time.

    I do get hungry on my shift. My husband threw a lean pocket and a Jello Pudding snack into my lunch box. Most of my waking day (night) is spent here. That's a whopping 300 calories. I'm hungry and light headed. The cafeteria doesn't open for breakfast until 6:30am. I'll go there soon and eat responsibly.
  • tipper77
    I have a crazy, busy schedule! I think he best change I have made is planning! I cook 2-3 meals on Sunday so that all we have to do is warm & serve during the week. I take my breakfast to work & eat a healthy lunch with my supportive friends who usually let me choose where we go since I have to make healthy choices.
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    my schedule is from 6pm to 6am...so- I have tried a few ways of doing things. I too sometimes work 9am-5pm then come back and work 10pm-6am. So as you can see if is very hard to keep track. I have found if I stay true to the day I can keep track of things better. I named my meals as Meal 1 thru Meal 6. Why because I know that if I eat more often I will speed up my metabolism but also not be famished at any given time so if I do splurge I won't go bonkers. I am a 911 dispatcher and our food source is vending machines and 24 hour fast food. I try to eat subway because hey it's $5 and a foot long can stretch my shift it I have them cut it in 1/4 pieces. I have them load that sucker up with veggies. I also get the steamer bowl healthy choice meals that are about 300 calories and filling. or a lowfat soup can. I am not a planner so when I find myself feeling like eating , I hit popcorn, crystal light, pretzel sticks and such. I am not a carrot or granola bar person so I know that bringing those things I would still seek out other things to munch...lol I know you get grilled chicken at many fastfood places so maybe you can bring sides and have that or do a burger with all the trimmings less mayo and meat? I feel for you cause I know how hard it is and I can imagine how sick of eating what you work with every single day must feel like....Best of luck
  • greenteadaily
    I too was going to suggest just the meat (chicken, burger patty).

    I always carry a Clif bar with me. I don't work in fast food, but I'm sure tempted by it. I usually keep it in my purse, but if I'm driving around doing errands, I'll put it out on my seat to remind me that there are no excuses for stopping and grabbing something.

    Another couple things to bring with you could be some dry healthy-ish cereal (I like snacking on Kashi Honey Sunshine...it's kind of like Captain Crunch) or some nuts. All the protein things should fill you up, but the cereal and/or nuts can also fill the sensation of popping things in your mouth (instead of fries).

    ETA: And maybe plan ahead that IF you end up staying over (sounds like it happens often enough) than you'll have X snack at time Y.