How much does water help increase your weight loss?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Water does nothing to speed up or help weight loss beyond feeling full if you drink a lot and the extra exercise of running to the bathroom. You need enough fluid for your urine to be pale yellow, beyond that you're just wasting time. Water doesn't flush out fat or toxins or any of the other magical things I've heard it can do. It hydrates your body and when that is achieved you pee it out.


    Well, it does kind of help with those things because that's what your kidneys do. And proper hydration is essential to a body functioning properly. So it's healthy to stay well-hydrated (this is especially important if you eat a lot of fiber or protein!). But it doesn't have to be water -- pretty much any liquid hydrates and there's a lot of water in the food you eat -- and it doesn't have to be a LOT of water (or whatever).

    I know I'm drinking enough when I don't wake up parched at 3 a.m.
  • daftthoughts
    Not sure about the debate here if it helps cleanse, remove waste (....)

    When I say remove waste, I mean feces. It's a pretty well know fact that drinking enough water is very beneficial to your bowel movements because it makes it easier for the body to push it through your body, so I wouldn't really call removal of waste much of a debatable topic. :)
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    WATER is often the missing link. It's important. Hydration is essential. There are lots of articles you can read, this is a good one.

    I drink water, not necessarily for WEIGHT LOSS. I drink it because it does the body good. I essentially drink nothing but water. Iced tea once in a while. Once a week'ish - a dark drafty beer but of course ! And red wine. Seriously. WATER. Water has no empty calories. Our bodies are made up largely of water. Many of us walk around under hydrated. My skin has never looked better since I upped my water intake. I really do believe that the leaner we get ( LeanER - not necessarily LEAN) - it's the little things that are difference makers. After all, we've tackled the biggies. ya know?

    Even if you are skeptical and think NAH .. it doesn't matter. I offer this: What if WATER is the difference maker? Wouldn't you hate to have missed out? and for WHAT? Diet Coke? Just drink the water. :) Why NOT ? I aim for 2 - 3 liters a day. Basically that is 2 - 3 32 oz. containers. I have a big green Nalgene bottle. I drink from that throughout the day. Easy to keep track.

    Cheers !
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    Water helps you to stay hydrated. Proper hydration contributes to your bodily functions and muscles working at optimal rates. When your bodily functions and muscles are working at optimal rates, you can work out more efficiently. When you work out efficiently, your changes of weight loss increase, assuming you are eating in a caloric deficit.

    Other than that, water in and of itself does not increase weight loss. You will need a caloric deficit and ideally some form of exercise.
  • lonnieart
    lonnieart Posts: 24 Member
    While I agree that water in and of itself doesn't make you lose weight, often we mistake thirst for hunger. Being properly hydrated can keep this from happening. I'm trying to drink a glass of water if I feel hungry but know that I really shouldn't be (I've eaten recently for example).


    I mean, what everyone else is saying... but this.
    I never used to drink water. At ALL. I pretty much got my fluids from soup, lol (and you would probably underestimate how much soup I used to eat).

    Water DOESN'T help you lose weight, but it MAY help you keep from over-eating. Also, if you were ever like I was, increasing your water intake is good for you in general. I have less leg cramps and other things now because I think I was often slightly dehydrated.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have never felt hungry, had a glass of water and then wasn't hungry anymore.
  • lonnieart
    lonnieart Posts: 24 Member
    Technically, I have never been HUNGRY (felt the sensations of hunger) and had water satisfy that, but I HAVE had the urge to eat and had water satisfy that. Hence the mistaking thirst for "hunger."
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Technically, I have never been HUNGRY (felt the sensations of hunger) and had water satisfy that, but I HAVE had the urge to eat and had water satisfy that. Hence the mistaking thirst for "hunger."

    So you didn't feel hungy. You felt the urge to put something in your mouth. Were you bored, stressed or sad (or something) at the time?

    I've never had that experience. I know when I'm thirsty. I know when I'm hungry. And I know when I just want to dump something down my gullet.
  • callmehoots
    callmehoots Posts: 15 Member
    I used to rarely drink water, and I have to say, I often felt pretty lethargic without even realizing or knowing why. I recently began drinking 8 to 12 ounces a day in straight up water, and I /feel/ better. I don't consider the water itself to be weight loss magic, but this water habit definitely helps me because now that I'm always fully hydrated, I don't get thirsty like I used to and reach for other drinks with a bunch of sugar in them like fruit juices or carbonated drinks. I like to drink 8 to 16 ounces first thing in the AM before my breakfast/caffeine.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Water does remove waste from your body. That's it's purpose.

    Not so much. Or at least, only one of many.

    Water is used in most of the metabolic reactions of the body and is one part of the equation to maintain osmolarity and tonicity of individual cells and tissues. It is needed to maintain fluid levels as well - blood, cerebrospinal fluid, etc. It's used in transport of nutrients and temperature regulation.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Staying hydrated is important for living period. It does nothing magical however. Drinking a glass of water before a meal helps you fill up quicker though.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    I haven't found that water helps me with weight loss, but it does help with feeling more energized. I drink on average 100-125 oz of water a day (3.5 Liters), and if I do not I definitely feel a difference. It also helps with hunger pains a tremendous amount. I will drink at least 8 oz before each meal, and it helps me to not over-eat.

    ^^^My body lets me know if I don't get my gallon in. I start my day with 32 oz. A shower for the inside. On days when I work out in the a.m., I drink another 32 oz. In a very short period, I have to go #2. I do think it has made a difference for me. Even if it is mental, it is still a difference! When I focus on getting my gallon in, I am more conscious of eating better as well. Not to mention too full too snack much!

    It has also saved me a ton of money over the years! No $2 coke at a restaurant for me! My whole family drinks water when we go out. That's a huge savings for my family of 6!!
  • aprilwilliams2729
    aprilwilliams2729 Posts: 107 Member
    Technically, I have never been HUNGRY (felt the sensations of hunger) and had water satisfy that, but I HAVE had the urge to eat and had water satisfy that. Hence the mistaking thirst for "hunger."

    So you didn't feel hungy. You felt the urge to put something in your mouth. Were you bored, stressed or sad (or something) at the time?

    I've never had that experience. I know when I'm thirsty. I know when I'm hungry. And I know when I just want to dump something down my gullet.

    Good for you. :) However some of us are not as in tune with our body (although I'm trying). If it works it works - so if I feel hungry (or have the urge to "put something in my mouth"), I drink water instead and if I'm not really hungry ("bored, stressed or sad") then the urge to eat usually goes away. I just thought it might help the OP. :)

    Plus I just feel better if I drink more water. :)

    I understand your point, however I think maybe you're splitting hairs a bit.
