Opinions wanted with upping strength, decreasing cardio

Soooo I have been at this for 8 months, lost almost 40 with between 10 and 15 to go...yes, it is now slowing down to snail's pace but I still stay motivated and overall I am probably good like..95% of the time. Tonight I am starting a 3 day a week full body strength training routine using free weights, alternating with 2 days of cardio. Before I was doing 5 days of cardio with two days of machines. This makes me apprehensive as I still want to lose the rest of the weight AND tone the "rough spots"? So tell me fitness pal people..who has had good results with the last bit of weight, losing and toning? I know, that I should not focus on the scale, I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I also know that I am 5 ft tall and need to lose a bit more, being at 127 lbs...any thoughts? advice? Much appreciated in advance! :)


  • shelliemacs
    shelliemacs Posts: 42 Member
    I lift weights every other day and do HIIT training opposite days from that. I still have some weight to loose but the weight training has definitely increased my definition and ability to eat more. I do Les Mills Pump, as heavy as I can make it for 1 hour and I sweat just as much, or even more then I do with the cardio training. I wear smaller sizes then ever before while the scale still goes down slowly. I LOVE seeing the muscles in the back of my arms and I have almost lost my Bat Wings at this point if you know what they are.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Oh I definately can relate to a small amount of batwings..although they are less pronounced now...ha ha. I can deal with the scale going down slowly if I think I am making overall progress...
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Sounds like you're right on track - nicely done!

    Based on where you're at, it'll be even more important for you to use diet to control weight and exercise to improve fitness/strength/appearance/etc.

    When you're doing a ton of cardio, you have a lot more leeway with your diet because of all the cals burned through exercise. Switching from cardio to strength training will generally burn fewer calories, which will put more emphasis on your diet.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Congrats on losing the weight you have so far.

    I personally like the idea the you. Heavy resistance training will totally transform your body and those 15 lbs you think you have to lose may not actually be necessary. I know that I'm a guy so you may or may not look at it as a similar situation but I stopped doing cardio many months ago and focused on just weights. I've seen the biggest change in my body during this time.

    I agree that at this point the scale can just be put to the side more often than not. It's time to start basing your progress in the mirror and pictures if you haven't already.

    I know you are right..just have a hard time wrapping my head around being 5 ft and 127....thanks for the encouragement!
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Sounds like you're right on track - nicely done!

    Based on where you're at, it'll be even more important for you to use diet to control weight and exercise to improve fitness/strength/appearance/etc.

    When you're doing a ton of cardio, you have a lot more leeway with your diet because of all the cals burned through exercise. Switching from cardio to strength training will generally burn fewer calories, which will put more emphasis on your diet.

    Oh boy, I know you are right...it sucks though! :)
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    My weight loss is slow. Has been for the last two years.

    That being said, I did a marathon in May, so lots of cardio and very little lifting from January-May. Took a bit of a break for a couple months, working out here and there.

    August 1st, started lifting 4-5 days a week, and cut WAY back on cardio - we are talking a day or two a week. Scale is down (and more stable) and I look better than I did on race day.

    Don't be afraid of that plan. Cardio has benefits, but in terms of weight loss and body composition, it is not #1. I have read enough on the topic and seen it in practice on my own body. Best of luck!!
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Thanks so much....I figure it cannot hurt to try.....my goal is to be in a bikini next summer so I have some time! :)
    My weight loss is slow. Has been for the last two years.

    That being said, I did a marathon in May, so lots of cardio and very little lifting from January-May. Took a bit of a break for a couple months, working out here and there.

    August 1st, started lifting 4-5 days a week, and cut WAY back on cardio - we are talking a day or two a week. Scale is down (and more stable) and I look better than I did on race day.

    Don't be afraid of that plan. Cardio has benefits, but in terms of weight loss and body composition, it is not #1. I have read enough on the topic and seen it in practice on my own body. Best of luck!!