Is it ok to run everyday?



  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    You should build up to running every day. You aren't used to it, so your body actually needs rest to recover between runs. Try a couple months running 3 days a week, then a couple months at 4 days a week etc... you'll feel what's right for you. If you're just a jogger going at an easy pace every time, you aren't going to do much harm. If you're training for half marathons again, you need to build rest in there (until you're more advanced).
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It's fine as long as you're using proper form, have the proper shoes for your feet, etc. If you don't do it right you run the risk of injuring yourself.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    As long as you're not doing something as intense as uphill sprinting, then there is no problem with running everyday. It is not high enough in intensity to tax the body enough to need rest days (unless of course you're just starting out and out of shape--then you will need to build up to it which does require rest days).

    If you do plan on running everyday though then it is best to plan your other exercise around it. Some forms of strength training require taking complete rest days the day after an intense session in which case you will want to skip the run.
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    I would say every other day, but do what works for you!
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I try to have a rest day every week but sometimes I find myself running for 7 days. When I run for about 14 or 15 days in a row, my body tells me to rest so I do. Listen to your body and you will be fine. If you wanna run, just run
  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    Do whatever your body can handle, just be sure to do warm up and cool downs. STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH!!!
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    Prior to marathon training (where I've been taking 2 days off per week), there were several stretches where I'd go as many as 10+ days without a rest. It really depends on feel. I wouldn't recommend doing this right off the bat, but gradually add in a days and let yourself adapt. I would also recommend varying the pace, terrain, etc so you're not doing tempo or threshold runs every day.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    If I could I would.
    I love running but still not to that level where I can do it everyday. Even then I think I'd like to let my body rest a couple days in between runs. I also think it depends on how long your runs are each day.
    Listen to your body & enjoy! :smile:

  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    When I started running after finishing c25k, I did the running everyday thing and surprise, surprise, i got injured..

    I followed hal higdon's novice 2 programme that has you running 4 times a week, x training once and 2 days rest.

    Now, I'll run every day, but rest the day before and the day after a 'long run' ( 13 miles +)

    I will, however, not run if I don't feel physically up to it. rest days are just as important as training days, but not everybody is the same. the ' listen to your body' formula seems to be the only universally acceptable solution.
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    Agree with the above posters, listen to your body and don't feel bad if you have to take rest days. 'Rest' doesn't mean 'slob around', it just means do something other than running :smile: It's called cross-training (recently discovered this term, I'm a running newbie!), still keeping your fitness/exercise up on rest days
    I would suggest you start jogging 2 / 3 times a week for 30/40 mins and start fast pased jogging 60/90 mins
    I started running everyday and my leg muscles went huge and made my legs look fat it hurts to and of courss it is hard to keep up


    & Running makes your legs fat? Oh. I thought overeating made your legs fat