Just joined

I am 38 years old and used to love being active and outgoing. Now I only enjoy sitting in my chair watching TV and playing on the computer. I have been missing my old life for a few years now, but have not been motivated enough to do anything about it. I need to lose about 60 lbs to get to my goal weight. I am in what I call my mid-life crisis and am going back to school to follow my dream of being a Paramedic.

I am excited about this site and my new journey. I joined a gym last week and signed up for a few trainer sessions. I wish I had found this site first, but you can't have to many tools I guess. I am also looking forward to obtaining some of my self esteem back once I have lost this weight and in turn becoming a much happier person.

Can't wait to meet everyone.



  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    The trainer sessions will be well worth the investment! Be honest with your goals when you meet with the trainer ~ they will help you tailor your workout to your needs at this time. Fun "mini-goal" rewards for yourself could be more trainer sessions. It is important to change your workout as you move through your journey!
  • nancyggg
    nancyggg Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome. I think you will love this site! Logging your food really does help and sometimes can be a real eye opener! the friend motivation is great too so please add me if you want and I will be happy to help with motivation. We can help each other!

  • tammyhoff2004
    Hi Wendy! Welcome to MFP! I'm happy that you are making a life change and becoming healthy! :happy: It's hard to get on the band wagon, but push yourself until you have a routine and habit of working out. Jillian Michaels says you must work out daily if you want to stay well and healthy. Remember, It's your life change. For the first time in my life, I feel like I'm doing things the healthy way. I've never counted calories but I now know that it's for the rest of my life. I have met so many good people here on MFP and found that I'm encouraged every day. We are here to support one another! God bless you on your weight loss journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    Welcome! I'm pretty new, too. Just joined last week. Add me as a frined, if you like!

    Also, could you tell me how you put the "o lbs lost" badge in your signature? I'm still trying to figure things like that out :-)