Three Day Diet



  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I'm still going to give it a shot because I already started and I'm not a quitter..

    No really, this is one that's really worth quitting. What's the point in keeping it up?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I'm still going to give it a shot because I already started and I'm not a quitter..

    No really, this is one that's really worth quitting. What's the point in keeping it up?


    Why even ask if you aren't really going to listen to what people have to say? Yes, it's ultimately your decision, but if you've already started it and aren't going to stop - despite the fact that it WILL all come back because it is just water weight...Why did you even ask?

    ETA: Oh yeah, good luck with that.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    No offense, but doing this is just plain stupid. And stopping doing something stupid doesn't make you a quitter.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    No offense, but doing this is just plain stupid. And stopping doing something stupid doesn't make you a quitter.

    High five.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I'm pretty sure no one in the history of the world has ever lost 30 lbs in 3 weeks except by amputation. Not even remotely possible for you.
    Unless you weigh 400+ pounds don't even think about dropping 10 pounds in a week! I dropped that much from 425 for the first three weeks... Just exercising mildly, but long period of time and eating reduced calorie... What the diet is doing is splashing off water weight that you will gain right back! Be worried about your health, not some stupid number on an inanimate object called a scale!
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Thoughts on this: "Quick fixes don't work" and "the first weigh in on any diet where you greatly reduce sodium will result in a fairly massive (although not real since it's all water weight) weight loss."

    Basically they're exploiting water weight loss and touting it as real weight loss, which it isn't.

    3500 calories to a lb.

    If you're not short 3500 calories, you've not lost a pound.

    Michael Phelps eats 12k calories a day while actively training... he would have to eat NOTHING for 3 days solid while still doing all the training to lose that level of weight. Do you really think you're training as hard as an Olympic class swimmer?

    Lets math.

    30 lbs, 21 days... 30 lbs * 3500 calories / 21 days = 5000 calorie deficit a day.

    So assuming you're 5'6" and 160 lbs, 24 years old... that would put your sedentary tdee around 1800 calories a day. So if you ate NOTHING for 21 days and did no exercise you would lose ~10.8lbs... that's no where near what you're talking. You would need to burn an additional 3200 calories *per day* through exercise, which is to say, roughly every mile you run burns 110 calories... so would need to run ~30 miles per day, while starving. Good luck... you'll be dead before the end of the first week and I mean that in the 'dirt nap' sense of dead.

    TL;DR - 30 lbs in 21 days is silly and terminally unhealthy.
  • Actually, the calories intake is between 800-1100. which is unhealthy. BUT you can lose up to 10 lbs in only 3 days, it's something that has to do with the biochemistry.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Thoughts on this: "Quick fixes don't work" and "the first weigh in on any diet where you greatly reduce sodium will result in a fairly massive (although not real since it's all water weight) weight loss."

    Basically they're exploiting water weight loss and touting it as real weight loss, which it isn't.

    3500 calories to a lb.

    If you're not short 3500 calories, you've not lost a pound.

    Michael Phelps eats 12k calories a day while actively training... he would have to eat NOTHING for 3 days solid while still doing all the training to lose that level of weight. Do you really think you're training as hard as an Olympic class swimmer?

    Lets math.

    30 lbs, 21 days... 30 lbs * 3500 calories / 21 days = 5000 calorie deficit a day.

    So assuming you're 5'6" and 160 lbs, 24 years old... that would put your sedentary tdee around 1800 calories a day. So if you ate NOTHING for 21 days and did no exercise you would lose ~10.8lbs... that's no where near what you're talking. You would need to burn an additional 3200 calories *per day* through exercise, which is to say, roughly every mile you run burns 110 calories... so would need to run ~30 miles per day, while starving. Good luck... you'll be dead before the end of the first week and I mean that in the 'dirt nap' sense of dead.

    TL;DR - 30 lbs in 21 days is silly and terminally unhealthy.

    Oh why are you trying to bring logic into this???
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Actually, the calories intake is between 800-1100. which is unhealthy. BUT you can lose up to 10 lbs in only 3 days, it's something that has to do with the biochemistry.

    It's called "reduced sodium" and "water weight loss"... and as soon as your sodium increases you gain it all back.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Oh why are you trying to bring logic into this???

    I once did fasting (not intermittent) to try to fix my weight-- 25 days of pure starvation 5 days of not, repeat, I lost over a hundred pounds pretty rapidly... and it (shy water weight, eg: excluding first week) was ~nowhere near~ 30lbs in 21 days... and my metabolism basically went to **** (30% tdee reduction to maintain weight for almost a year and a half.)

    Frankly, I have 128lbs left to lose and I wish it were as easy as just starving myself for 4 months, what a cake walk instead of the year+ I'm looking at in the face... what a nice cute little fantasy... especially when you're as close to your target weight as the OP is.

    I've lost around 850lbs since I was 16... this is just absurd.
  • I'm hoping to lose 30ish pounds in three weeks

    Wait, is this a joke? If so, it is a bad one.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I've seen guys in the military try it in order to make weight but then they always fail their PT test because they are dehydrated and they are tearing apart muscles in order to provide the energy they are lacking.

    I've never seen this before....

    Why cut to make weight when making tape is so easy?
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Hello Forum Readers.

    Has anyone ever heard of the three day military diet where you eat a strict schedule of foods and apparently lose 10 pounds in three days? Does anyone have an opinion on this... or have a success story? I'm on day one, and I'm just hoping for the best. Really. If all works the way it's supposed to, I'm hoping to lose 30ish pounds in three weeks and maintain that weight as well as tone up and just feel and look amazing. I've struggled with weight gain/loss for the abundance of my teen years and now my twenties. I've fluctuated a lot and I REALLY want to get to my goal and keep it there as long as possible.

    So Suggestions?

    First, 'if all works as it's supposed to'. I had to look up this diet because I've never heard of it. Ok, in fairness I don't know what most diets are cause I don't try fad type diets. Still, looked like you are supposed to eat some diet of fairly low calorie foods for three days and you will "lose up to 10lbs". So, that implies most people don't lose 10lbs, but lose some weight up to 10 lbs.

    A goal of 10lbs in 3 days (because someone, somewhere lost that much) based on this is unrealistic. A goal of 30lbs in three weeks, presumably by doing this three times within a three week period with the anticipation that you would lose the maximum weight each time, is unreaIistic and setting yourself up for great disappointment.

    With that said, if it makes you happy to lose a few pounds with a three day kick start 'diet', and then transition to a lifelong sustainable diet, fine. Set some realistic expectations though, and go for it.

    Speaking of, brings me to my second point, "maintain that weight as well". Learning healthy eating is the best way to maintain. This takes most people time to get into long term habits of healthy eating. A three week diet fad plan will not accomplish this.

    With all that said, you don't have that far to go. You can definitely accomplish what you want in a healthy pain free manner. Start now. You will be mostly there by Christmas and you will feel great.

    Best luck to you.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    lol, your not supposed to lose 10 pounds in 3 days.

    idk, i've only known one woman that does it. It worked great for her and she said it was the only eating plan she could stick too.

    thought it was cool that she would always have a small amount of ice cream with dinner, even on the strict days.

    My problem would be that i'd go buck wild on the free days and i wouldn't lose anything.

    my major complaint about the program is the same as atkins, it doesn't really teach you how to eat like a human being an lose/maintain.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    I would just like to take a moment to point out the "Search" option here in the forums.

    You may find it at the top right next to "Settings"

    Feel free to type in "Three day military diet" and see all the wealth of knowledge and butthurt that goes with it.

    Thank you,
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    thank you everyone for your input! I figured it was a weird diet and I also figured it was the water weight. I'm still going to give it a shot because I already started and I'm not a quitter, but I am also going to do what I've been doing so far... portion sizes and exercise. I try to not eat processed or fast food... It's healthier to create something close to a cheeseburger and fries at home with real ingredients.

    I am not a really heavy girl. I don't know how I randomly gained ten pounds over the summer (I'm usually 130... and It must have been vacations and beer). So I don't know how this is going to go.

    I thought it was strange to be called the "military" diet because my daddy was in the military and he definitely didn't eat the stuff they're telling me to eat (then again that was 25 years ago).

    Regardless. Thank you again everyone. I truly appreciate the words and advice people have responded to this blog.

    lol why did you even ask if you were going to do it no matter what?

    I lost 60 pounds really fast a few years ago. 2 things happened. I gained it all back plus 10 lbs. And I got gallstones. Do yourself a favor and skip the so called military diet. Create a reasonable calorie deficit, exercise and BE PATIENT. I assure you, we all want to be thin and fit, like, YESTERDAY. But it doesn't happen like that.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Just a couple highlights from the article...
    Will I Lose Weight on the Military Diet?

    I can’t promise that you will lose weight on any diet, but if you follow The Military Diet you will probably lose a few pounds. I doubt that you’ll lose ten in the first week. So do I recommend the Military Diet? No. In fact, I would predict that if you try the diet, you will regain the weight – and maybe put on more weight in the months after dieting.

    Why will the weight come back? First, because the food plan is not sustainable for most people. Very few dieters would be able to spend their lives eating grapefruit and saltines for all of eternity. And second, because some foods that you’ll get used to on the diet are very high calorie, high fat foods. For example, on day two of the diet you eat hot dogs and ice cream for dinner. If you get used to eating foods like that, you’re likely to eventually make portion size mistakes and gain weight as a result.

    Loose Logic Behind the Military Diet

    Much of the information about diet's website just doesn’t make sense. Because the Military Diet doesn’t actually sell anything, their claims don’t have to be backed up by any real data. Here are a few examples of the claims that don’t add up:

    There are no days off. You get the idea that you this is a 3 day on/4 day off plan – which would imply that you eat a normal diet for four days during the week. But this plan actually requires you to diet all the time. Here’s what the site says about your four days “off”
    “On the four days off, we recommend a diet of about 1300 – 1500 calories per day, made of up lean protein, veggies and easy on the carbs.”

    I had to laugh out loud when I read this statement. Because anyone who eats a calorie controlled diet that includes the right amount of lean protein, the correct ratio of carbs and plenty of veggies doesn’t need a diet in the first place.
  • thank you everyone for your input! I figured it was a weird diet and I also figured it was the water weight. I'm still going to give it a shot because I already started and I'm not a quitter, but I am also going to do what I've been doing so far... portion sizes and exercise. I try to not eat processed or fast food... It's healthier to create something close to a cheeseburger and fries at home with real ingredients.

    I am not a really heavy girl. I don't know how I randomly gained ten pounds over the summer (I'm usually 130... and It must have been vacations and beer). So I don't know how this is going to go.

    I thought it was strange to be called the "military" diet because my daddy was in the military and he definitely didn't eat the stuff they're telling me to eat (then again that was 25 years ago).

    Regardless. Thank you again everyone. I truly appreciate the words and advice people have responded to this blog.

    lol why did you even ask if you were going to do it no matter what?

    I lost 60 pounds really fast a few years ago. 2 things happened. I gained it all back plus 10 lbs. And I got gallstones. Do yourself a favor and skip the so called military diet. Create a reasonable calorie deficit, exercise and BE PATIENT. I assure you, we all want to be thin and fit, like, YESTERDAY. But it doesn't happen like that.

    I enjoy wasting my time posting on something that someone is planning on doing anyway no matter how unsafe it is.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    "Hey, try the twinkie and vodka diet"

    Wait.... I didn't know there was a twinkie and vodka diet. I cant' drink... is there something I can substitute for the vodka that will work just as well?

  • emmaleejay88
    emmaleejay88 Posts: 20 Member
    Okay. I was trying to be nice and thank everyone for their input. I was generally curious about what people thought. I wasn't going to NOT do it. I wanted to know what other people GENERALLY thought. For those of you who had constructive criticism. thanks. for the *kitten* who had to make some sort of nasty remark (which I'm sure you know who you are) eff off. seriously. I assumed this is the kind of place for people who have support or ask an opinion... No need for the hostility. It's just F.ucking rude.