Falling out of routines

I have tried numerous different workout routines and am able to stick with them real well...for about 3 weeks. By that time I am usually bored with whatever it is that I have been doing so it becomes more of a struggle to get up and do it. I would have more motivation if I saw some changes - not so much on the scale as inches, but any changes I notice are minute; even with a combination of decent eating and a steady workout.

I was recently trying the 30-day shred and after 24 days of it I just got so burnt out with not seeing any results and the repetitiveness of the workouts that my one day off turned into three weeks off.

Other routines have ended the same, with the same lack of results and ultimate failure. I'm unsure as to what to actually do to get myself more motivated (aside from looking in the mirror and comparing that to a picture of myself 4 years ago) and to stick with it and show results.

I ultimately cancelled my gym membership back in May as I could no longer afford it. I find difficulties sticking to a rigorous schedule of healthy eating and putting in a decent workout every week as my son is home with me every other week.

Not really sure where this is going. More frustrations than anything I guess.

Has anyone had troubles with keeping with a routine and seeing results?
