Team Fit - August

lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
Hi ladies - here's our new August thread! :flowerforyou:


  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Today: 12 cups of water - stayed within my calories - exercised 90 minutes. :bigsmile:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    I don't know how (and I'm not going to ask questions), but somehow I lost 1 pound in the past two weeks! That's awesome!! I knew I was going to weigh in this morning, and had mentally prepared myself for a 3-4 pound gain...SURPRISE! :bigsmile:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Morning ladies!!!:flowerforyou:

    I was good this weekend. Even though I did have some pizza friday night and yestrday I had some chocolate..... but like you Lisa, I weighed in and lost 1.5 pounds!!! WOHOOOO!! I am finally back to 153.5!!!! Not quite 153, but almost!!! I'm gonna be good this week too so that way it will keep coming off! So in march i waas 153, its taken me 4 months to lose those stupid 6 pounds i gained! but i did it! now it just needs to keep going!!! lol:laugh:

    Lisa- THanks for starting the new thread!! And way to go!!!! You're kicking butt girl! especially with your jogging! keep up the great work!

    Kim and Angie- thanks about the job. I had another interview on Friday that went even better than the last job! I wont find out if I got it til next week though as I was only like her 1st or 2nd interview. But it was great! So i'm gonna keep my fingers crossed for that! And it pays anywhere from 4 to 6k more a year than what i make now!!! it's 28 to 30k a year so i'm hoping for the 30k since i have experience!!! that would be AWESOME!!!!

    Gaby- how'd insanity go? i see the infomercial all the time and i want to try it out but i dont hve that kind of money. but they do this thing at my gym called metcon thats kinda like P90x style so i think i will try that out.

    hope you all had a wonderful weekend!:flowerforyou: lets keep up the great work!! :heart:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    oh yeah!! anyone on here have a facebook? i know its kinda dumb, but if you do, find me! Ariel Abelein :) i'm probably the only one but if you need it i live in Tempe AZ. :)
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Lisa - Thanks sooo much for starting the new thread and great job. You are totally kicking *kitten*! Keep it up, you are doing great.

    Ariel - Great job on the weight loss thats awesome. I actually start INSANITY today. I gotta wait for my fiance to get home from school so its going to be late workouts for us, cause he doesn't get home til like 8pm. I'm going to give my body a little time to get used to INSANITY but next week or so I plan to do some Brazil Butt Lift afte work b4 he get home. I just love BBL and dont want my booty to miss out on those workout.

    I'll keep you all posted on my progress. I meant to take my pics yesterday, but my camera was dead so its now charging and I will do all my measurements and pics tonight. Also my BFF let me borrow her bodybugg for this couple months while I do Insanity so I'm totally looking foward to wearing it and see all the calories burned. Of course I forgot to wear it today b/c its the fist day and I gotta get used to going in the computer roon in the am and getting it...
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Today: 10 cups of water - stayed within my calories - exercised 45 minutes! :bigsmile:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    morning ladies!

    i made it to the gym yesterday and i ate well. except for the brownies i had later on....... but im not going to eat any today. lol. and i will be going to the gym again. i need a HRM bad but i dont ever have money to guy one. oh well....... well i'm bust so i cant get into detail with stuff so bad strong today ladies! :glasses:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Tuesday: 12 cups of water - went over my calories by 300 - 0 minutes exercise.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    I had a fun experience last night that I gotta share with my girls. I have some "skinny clothes" up in my closet that I haven't been able to wear in quite some time. So for the heck of it, I pulled them out last night and tried them on...and they FIT! They were a little snug in some places, but they fit. That totally motivated me to lose more so I can fit into them! Those two cute little summertime dresses are now my motivation!! Hopefully it'll still be summer time when I'm able to look good in them! :bigsmile: :heart: :love:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Wednesday: 12 cups of water - stayed within my calories - 30 minutes of exercise. :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    So I wanted to give you all an update on my INSANITY journey. I have completed 3 days. Today is day 4. For whatever reason I dedcided to grabe my measuring tape and in the 3 days from my fist day measurements I have lost an inch on my waist and two on my hips. Whoo Whoo.... I'm soo excited.
    Of course my calfs are sooooo sore. But I can't wait to keep going.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi ladies!

    sorry ive been mia for a few days. things here at work suck balls! i got written up today for going home yesterday b efore we hit our numbers. needless to say im not in a very good mood.

    Lisa- thats awesome you fit into your skinny clothes!! keep it up!! you will get there!!!!
    Gaby- congrats on the inches! i wish my waist and hips would go down! right now my waist is like 32 and my hips are 42!!!! stupid hips! i wish they were like 38!!!

    well i went to the gym yesterday and im going today so.... butr i havent been eating too wel..... lots of brownies....... bad i know.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Gaby - 3 inches in 3 days?!?! :noway: That's AMAZING!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Thursday: 12 cups of water - stayed within my calories - exercised 30 mnutes (ran a 5k!) :bigsmile:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Gaby - congrats on the inches lost! That's fantastic! :flowerforyou:
    Lisa - yay for fitting into your "skinny" clothes! That's a great feeling! :flowerforyou: How did you do on the 5k? I've never run one, mostly because I HATE running...
    Ariel - good luck on the job you just interviewed for! :flowerforyou: And I know what you mean about brownies... my weakness is ice cream. I've been having some almost every day, but I try to keep it to a serving size (half a cup) a day and make sure it doesn't push me over my calorie limit. I think, though, that ice cream might be the reason I've hit this plateau I seem to be on. These last 2 lbs just aren't coming off!!! :grumble:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Friday: I think I hit 8 cups of water (but I wasn't really tracking it) - WAY over on calories (ate Mexican food) - 0 exercise. BOO! :grumble: :sad: Today will be a better day! :flowerforyou:

    The 5k was fun! I've run several others over the years, so it wasn't a big deal. You should try it - it's 3.2 miles. I ran it in about 30 minutes...which is about a 10-minute-mile pace...that's pretty much my jogging pace all the time. Never said I was fast! :laugh: It was a charity fun run benefitting our local trail foundation. The Trail Foundation is a local charity here in Austin that helps keep up and do improvement projects to our many miles of wonderful hike and bike trails. Such a fabulous place to live to be a runner or biker! There were about 1,000 runners total, and they were fast! I guess most of the people who use the trails use them a lot and are big time runners - people were passing me left and right! :laugh:

    Keep up the good work ladies!
    Gaby - you're doing awesome with insanity!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Saturday: BAD AGAIN! 0 exercise - WAY OVER on calories - don't even know how much water I drank. Ok, for real, back at it today!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Sunday: 8 cups of water so far - stayed within my calories - 60 minutes of exercise.

    Tomorrow is weigh in day!! Good luck everybody!! :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    BOO!!! Gained 1.5 pounds! :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: Guess that's what I get for having two really bad days in a row right before weigh in. Ugh.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    i think we all kinda had a rough week last week. i didnt weigh in yesterday because im scared. so im gonna e good this week and i will weigh myself sunday. no brownines so thats good! lol. and i bought lots of healthy stuff and produce at the grocery store. so im going to try to keep up this week! sorry ive been kinda short. my work is making me work so much overtime i dont have time for anything right now. i hate this place. hopefully insight calls me today and says we want you!!! lol i would leave this place in a blink of an eye!!!

    thanks Angie for the encouragment. Try not to eat too much ice cream ;)
    Lisa- i couldnt jog a 10 min miles if my life depended on it so i dont think thats slow at all! lol. and dont worry about the weight gain, its probaby just fluxuation. or however thats spelled! lol

    gonna go to the gym tonight and maybe after wards im gonna go buy a coach purse! but we will see.... lol. i want one so bad!!!!! but when i see 298 dollar price tag i want to run to the hills! lol. so i might get the courage to spend it. hahaha be good today guys!!!! keep up the good work!!! we can do it!!!