Color Me Rad--tips?

I am signed up and the run is on Saturday, I'm curious about other people's experience with it. Did you like it? Any tips to make it most enjoyable?


  • just_Jennie1
    I did my first one back in April. It was a LOT of fun. I suggest walking through the color stations and pausing to get hit with the color so that you come out covered head to toe.

    ETA: Wear WHITE and make sure you wear clothing and sneakers you're not that fond of. And if you have light hair wear a hat.

    Have fun!!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Got my first Color Me Rad run coming up soon, so I'm looking for tips also.
  • thenewmanda
    thenewmanda Posts: 189 Member
    @just_Jennie1--thanks! That helps.
  • just_Jennie1

    It's a ton of fun and it's not really a 'race' it's just a run. I did it with a friend of mine and was actually surprised at how fast the time went even though we weren't running fast.

    I'd honestly recommend it to anyone who has never done a 'race' because it's so laid back and would be perfect for a first time runner who might be intimidated by races.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Wear as much white as you can, wear old tennis shoes because they will stain, get a pair of throw away sunglasses too. Getting that stuff in your eyes sucks (it'll also get in your nose and ears... those are fun to clean out later :grumble: ). Bring lots of towels for your car and a change of clothes. Did I mention that stuff stains? I found a good scrub down on your skin after with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide helps it to come off easier in the shower.

    ETA: I know it sounds like I'm complaining. haha It is a lot of fun, but these are the couple of things I've learned from doing a couple of them to make it better.
  • lovinlife22
    lovinlife22 Posts: 13 Member
    I brought a white bandana to cover my mouth and nose so i wouldn't breath in all the dust. It was VERY laid back and lots of fun!
  • just_Jennie1
    Wear as much white as you can, wear old tennis shoes because they will stain, get a pair of throw away sunglasses too. Getting that stuff in your eyes sucks (it'll also get in your nose and ears... those are fun to clean out later :grumble: ). Bring lots of towels for your car and a change of clothes. Did I mention that stuff stains? I found a good scrub down on your skin after with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide helps it to come off easier in the shower.

    I didn't have any problem getting the stuff off when I showered afterwards but YES on the change of clothes and towels (forgot to mention that). They should provide you with cheap/cheesy sunglasses.
  • thenewmanda
    thenewmanda Posts: 189 Member
    Sweet. It's definitely not my first "race" but I am doing it with some coworkers who have never done a race. I was wondering how hard it was going to be to get the stuff off. Got the white covered, and shades for sure. My new concern is that I wear contacts...
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Wear as much white as you can, wear old tennis shoes because they will stain, get a pair of throw away sunglasses too. Getting that stuff in your eyes sucks (it'll also get in your nose and ears... those are fun to clean out later :grumble: ). Bring lots of towels for your car and a change of clothes. Did I mention that stuff stains? I found a good scrub down on your skin after with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide helps it to come off easier in the shower.

    I didn't have any problem getting the stuff off when I showered afterwards but YES on the change of clothes and towels (forgot to mention that). They should provide you with cheap/cheesy sunglasses.

    It was the darker/more saturated colors that I struggled with because I’m super pale (i.e. blue was a B). My husband who is tan had no issues getting the color off of himself.
  • just_Jennie1
    Sweet. It's definitely not my first "race" but I am doing it with some coworkers who have never done a race. I was wondering how hard it was going to be to get the stuff off. Got the white covered, and shades for sure. My new concern is that I wear contacts...

    Any way you can nix the contacts just for the event? There's going to be a lot of dust flying around and that is really going to be negative fun with those things in.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    Loads of fun! Wear lots of white, old sneakers and make sure you have towels for your car for when you get done. Walk through the color stations seems to work best. The color does come off your skin in a few days (after the race I took a shower and only had a few spots that were still multi colored, but they were pretty much gone by Monday)
    And just have fun!
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    prancing > running
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Sweet. It's definitely not my first "race" but I am doing it with some coworkers who have never done a race. I was wondering how hard it was going to be to get the stuff off. Got the white covered, and shades for sure. My new concern is that I wear contacts...

    Any way you can nix the contacts just for the event? There's going to be a lot of dust flying around and that is really going to be negative fun with those things in.

    100% agree with this. You really don't want that stuff in your eyes under your contacts. The color zones are extremely dusty and it's already difficult to see.
  • blueyegirl0712
    blueyegirl0712 Posts: 135 Member
    I wear contacts and I had no problems.
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    Take baby wipes, change of clothes, and a bag for your colored stained clothes. Also if you are wearing a favorite pair of sneaks put them in a tub of water and let them soak to remove the color.
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    Put on lotion before you leave home head to the race. It helps the color wash off easier
    Wear something under your white shirt. My torso was stained purple, pink and blue for days afterward so it looked like I'd been in a fight and was bruised up.
    Have fun and people watch. Tons of people go NUTS wearing the most outrageous stuff.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I did the Color ME Rad run in Maine in August. It was great fun! If there is a large crowd going through the color station at the same time, get to the outside edge. That's where you get the most color. The camera at the end is where you get the best chance to set yourself up for a great picture you can buy off the website -- you should see it hanging down with a "Smile" sign or something to that effect.

    My iphone was in an Otterbox and still got wrecked -- the screen was covered to the point where I couldn't see to take pictures after the race was over. And, the powder got into every little hole. Even if you think your case is waterproof -- put it in a protective bag or something.

    The color washed right out of all my clothes -- even the liquid green and yellow came right out in one wash. I was hopeful for some staining at least - LOL

    The color on my skin took a little longer -- on my sides and belly I was green for a few days. The Temporary Tattoo that they give you is a b!tch to get off!! I scrubbed and scrubbed and actually broke blood vessels in my arm because I couldn't have it on at work and I wanted to wear short sleeves!

    ETA: Forgot my profile pic was from the race! LOL I wore a tutu (that I love and wear for every race now!)
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    just did it this saturday....

    1. if you want to take pictures take your phone. just put it in a ziploc baggie or tape a strong clear tape around it first. wipe it down before you take it out.

    2. have fun, take your time at the color stations, get covered.

    3. if you really want to run, (it's not a timed event) take whatever you take to track your runs, they are notoriously late getting out of the gate. For example I was in the 9:40 wave but we didn't get let out of the gate till sometime after 10, the camera at the end recorded us as crossing the finish line at 20 to 11....

    4. baby wipes and ziploc bags to put color stained stuff in once you get back to your car are awesome.

    5. A towel to put on your seat when you drive home is also awesome.

    6. watch for kids they are EVERYWHERE and it's awesome, but they love to suddenly stop in the color stations, be careful you don't mow one over, especially if you are running.

    7. take friends.
  • thenewmanda
    thenewmanda Posts: 189 Member
    Sweet. It's definitely not my first "race" but I am doing it with some coworkers who have never done a race. I was wondering how hard it was going to be to get the stuff off. Got the white covered, and shades for sure. My new concern is that I wear contacts...

    Any way you can nix the contacts just for the event? There's going to be a lot of dust flying around and that is really going to be negative fun with those things in.

    I am so unbelievably blind without them and I'm definitely not going to wear my glasses. Might just have to suffer through!
  • thenewmanda
    thenewmanda Posts: 189 Member
    I did the Color ME Rad run in Maine in August. It was great fun! If there is a large crowd going through the color station at the same time, get to the outside edge. That's where you get the most color. The camera at the end is where you get the best chance to set yourself up for a great picture you can buy off the website -- you should see it hanging down with a "Smile" sign or something to that effect.

    My iphone was in an Otterbox and still got wrecked -- the screen was covered to the point where I couldn't see to take pictures after the race was over. And, the powder got into every little hole. Even if you think your case is waterproof -- put it in a protective bag or something.

    The color washed right out of all my clothes -- even the liquid green and yellow came right out in one wash. I was hopeful for some staining at least - LOL

    The color on my skin took a little longer -- on my sides and belly I was green for a few days. The Temporary Tattoo that they give you is a b!tch to get off!! I scrubbed and scrubbed and actually broke blood vessels in my arm because I couldn't have it on at work and I wanted to wear short sleeves!

    ETA: Forgot my profile pic was from the race! LOL I wore a tutu (that I love and wear for every race now!)

    Thank you!!!! BTW, LOVE the picture and the tutu