I have used MFP for nearly 3 years, and have had much success with it. I lost a lot of weight after giving birth to my son, and then gained a lot with my second pregnancy. After having my daughter, I did amazingly. Lost all the weight and then some. I was at 127lbs, which was great for my height. Since Dec 2012, I feel like I have fallen off the wagon HORRIBLY. I have gained 30 lbs. I am so so depressed and having a hard time focusing again. I do well for a couple days, then binge. I have been doing that for months now. I am depressed and physically feel bad. I am looking for friends that will encourage me and make me accountable for each day. I will do my best in encouraging you too. I need to get focused and not continue gaining weight, which is all in my power to do so.


  • _mglo_
    _mglo_ Posts: 31 Member
  • Take it one day at a time & don't be too hard on yourself. No one is perfect. Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm perfectly human :wink:
  • Don't beat yourself up. The fact that you have acknowledged that need to do something it's the biggest step! You did it before so you know you can do it again :-) Take it one meal at a time and small goals you need to lose 10lbs 3 times :-)

    Good Luck, you can do this
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I'm Lew. Married, dad of two soon to be three... Down 185 in 14 months... Anyone is welcome to add me. I plan to log for the next 50 years every day... I also comment all the time!
  • NextChapter60
    NextChapter60 Posts: 78 Member
    A very few months ago I was doing the same - do well for a couple of days, then binge. Then I read the suggestion to not consider it a failure, but of learning what doesn't work. I looked at my repeat failures for commonality - Was there a trigger food? Was I becoming too tired? Too hungry? Once I examined WHY, then I could figure out what to do differently. (For me, sugary foods trigger a binge, so I have a protein instead.) Or maybe a "binge" food needs to be included in your "being good" routine, in moderation.

    Try not to be discouraged when wandering from the path, look at it as a lesson in what to do differently.
  • Arbelina
    Arbelina Posts: 102 Member
    Hi mglo, I am struggling with a similar binge horror - doing fine for a coupe of days, then eating everything in reach, especially when I am tired. Was just looking for buddies to keep on track, so feel free to add me. I am a working mom of a teenager, and I like sports and singing.
  • Hello! I'm Emily, college student. The basic gist of it all is that I want to return to my original weight which fluctuated between 125 & 130 prior to starting graduate school. I've used MFP before but I stopped after a while. Now I'm back. :)
    It's hard to eat healthy and get enough calories in me due to the college food that is sold here and the fact that I've little time to do things outside of school, much less cook.

    Is anyone here in a similar situation?
  • Lazz5k
    Lazz5k Posts: 251 Member
  • Hello. I love to give support and am totally down with receiving it. Feel free to add me...anyone here can. We've got this. :)
  • I find myself doing pretty much the same thing. I do really well for a week or two but then burn out and get upset I haven't lost more then I thought I would and give up.

    Now I am trying MFP and what feels like my hundreth time of trying to lose weight.

    We just needed to be patient and take everything one meal at a time and if you have a mess up don't blow the whole day. Just get back on track. You have done it before and you can do it before.

    Feel free to add me. I an new and need support too :)
  • It looks like a lot of us have been down that new "thing" is to be on MFP more than Facebook. Yes, it's a challenge - but I figure I have more in common with my fellow MFP'ers than most people on my FB page. So, I will be here for encouragement and accountability.

    Feel free to add me...I'm always looking for new MFP friends to chat with and learn from - tpayne0453
  • A3L7
    A3L7 Posts: 10 Member
    It looks like a lot of us have been down that new "thing" is to be on MFP more than Facebook. Yes, it's a challenge - but I figure I have more in common with my fellow MFP'ers than most people on my FB page. So, I will be here for encouragement and accountability.

    Feel free to add me...I'm always looking for new MFP friends to chat with and learn from - tpayne0453

    Yes! MFP is my new Facebook. :) Helps keep me on track.
  • stefduvall
    stefduvall Posts: 3 Member
    Take it one day at a time and don't put any extra pressure on your self.
  • Can totally relate to the posts here and welcome any encouragement!

    I believe the good news is that you have been successful before so you can do it and have the knowledge and tools to succeed. It's tough when you get into a rut because it is a spiral and you end up feeling worse but you have to just start over.

    I was planning on spending 4 months losing weight before a beach vacation and am now just starting on mfp with a month until vacation! I figure a month from now I will feel better having done something than nothing!

    I have a friend who recently used mfp to lose 40 pounds, looks better than she has in years and best of all got a healthy report from her Dr!
  • please feel free to add me. I think we've all struggled at times, and being able to talk it out with people who can relate is priceless.
  • Daisyfk
    Daisyfk Posts: 12 Member
    That is awesome.... Congrats on your expecting third....
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    totally am on that same wagon right now. feel free to add me. im trying to get back to what i was too. try something new. i personally am doing crossfit as a new workout and ive got healthy stuff put everywhere around the house just in case. maybe that will help.
  • sassy1grl
    sassy1grl Posts: 28 Member
    sent friends request.... mpf is my new fb as well, lol i don't have issues with binge eating, but i am here for support :)
  • You CAN do this!! I think one of the biggest keys is finding an exercise program that you enjoy and fits into your life well. What are you doing now?
  • Please add me as a friend:smile: