New to this!

Hi everyone,
I signed up for MFP last week in the vain hope it might help me to lose weight I seem unable to shift.
I will be honest, I HATE exercise. I am on my feet all day at work as I work in healthcare, I eat relatively well (I think) apart from the odd "blowout" day.
I have put on 2 stone in the last year (I am a lot happier in my life but am hating my body and the way Iook)
I suffer with PCOS but my current doctor is now disputing the diagnosis as a recent hormone level check put me inside the normal ranges (0.01 inside them!) I also have SAD and an issue with my hip meaning I find exercise quite difficult especially after being at work all day.
I tried cutting out all the junk (no sweets,chocolate,crisps, white bread) but I actually gained weight!

I feel lost