has anyone dumped you because of your weight



  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I have an ex who was more overweight than I was who would do things like grab my stomach and tell me that "we" needed to "work on that" and try to order me to exercise "as a joke." I figure he was projecting his own body image issues onto me, but it hurt my feelings even so.

    That experience aside, I've mostly had normal weight, conventionally attractive partners who did not comment on my size.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Yes actually I had a boyfriend that used it as an excuse to cheat on me then dump me. Funny thing is we gained weight together, but he said things like it was ok for a man to gain weight but not a woman. Jokes on him I went from 230 to 130 in a year. Saw him later he had just gotten fatter. I know that it is petty but that made me feel a bit better. Now about 6 years later I am married to an amazing man I adore and yeah we both gained some weight, but we work on it together not put each other down about it.