is it possible that my thighs are getting bigger again

I've been doing exercise and keeping my diet under control for 3 months and i lost almost 12 kg so far. For about 10 or 15 days, i can't get exercise since i'm having the worst cold ever. Meanwhile, i need to be fed well and the calories i get normally range from 800 to 1500. ( I'm 18 female 5'10 and around 151 pound) My exercise routine was of mostly cardio moderate intensity 4 days a week ( jogging or running on treadmill for 45-60 minutes) During that time, my legs were kinda toned. So, now i gave this up temporarily, i believe that my legs started to loose themselves again. I thought so when i looked at the mirror. I usually wear size 28 jeans and when i tried one last week, it felt kinda tight. ( it might run small, though) Unfortunately, i did not measure myself at my smallest so i don't know if anything really changed or it's my imagination. So, do you think after giving up exercise, can legs loose themselves in such a short amount of time?


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    anything is possible but i wouldn't fret about missing 2 weeks of exercise.