Can't eat in moderation

I've learned that I'm just not able to do things in moderation. I know I'm the type of person who will eat a whole pizza, a whole carton of ice cream, a whole 6 pack of beer or an entire bag of goldfish crackers. I know I CAN eat properly all the time, but I know that will most likely overeat when I feel deprived. I will eat my emotions at any turn of events. Perhaps, I will stick to a diet 6 days a week and then splurge one day a week to keep things in check.

Anyone else have this issue? How do you control things? All or nothing? Is it completely unhealthy to eat 3000-3500 calories one day a week and reduce that amount from your total calorie needs on the other days for a balance over the week?

Like I'm supposed to eat 1400...What if I eat 1050 6 days a week, plus exercise calories... and then one day a week have the crazy day of eating? I just know having one treat a day never works. It's like a flip switches and I overeat.


  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    Binging is just not healthy, before you know it that one day will turn into 7! Your food diary isn't public, so I can't see what you're eating...but it is possible that you aren't practicing a balanced diet and that is why you feel so hungry.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I'm an emotional eater too. Usually around my anxiety. For me, it never mattered how I structured my diet if I wasn't working on my mental well-being too. I find that I'm a lot more successful with my diet if I'm actively working to calm my anxiety and stress, which is a good practice anyway. For emotional eaters, emotional health and stress relief has to be a part of the equation alongside diet and exercise.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    There's nothing wrong with getting more calories on certain days and less on others. Add up to what you need for the week.
    Binging is just not healthy

    If by "binging" you mean going over on total calories for the week, and by "just not healthy" you mean causes you to gain weight, you're right. But I think you mean eating a lot in a sitting. That's perfectly fine. I do it every day, I just usually only eat twice in a day.
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    Just own it and move on .. It happens. Don't make it a habit.. No need to feel guilty its just FOOD.

    GO for a run in the same day or lift... Continue with life.
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    There's nothing wrong with getting more calories on certain days and less on others. Add up to what you need for the week.
    Binging is just not healthy

    If by "binging" you mean going over on total calories for the week, and by "just not healthy" you mean causes you to gain weight, you're right. But I think you mean eating a lot in a sitting. That's perfectly fine. I do it every day, I just usually only eat twice in a day.

    Eating a lot in one sitting and still being fine on calories for the day is ok.

    What is unhealthy is what the OP said, "eat a whole pizza, a carton of ice cream, 6 beers....". Eating what you want in moderation is fine, but it is not a good habit (for most people) to have a day a week where you go dramatically over on your calories. Those days are setbacks and if they go unchecked, become a lifestyle.
  • hedean
    hedean Posts: 40 Member
    You have literally described my life-long battle and the reason why I am never successful. I do not recommend allowing yourself this one large binge because for me that does usually turn into many days, then I felt guilty and lazy and just give in. On the other hand, if you can just eat a little more than you are suppose to ONE day a week, then I commend you! I am pretty sure that the healthiest thing would be to incorporate a little more food/treats everyday and I know this can be difficult, but this is all about changing our habits to healthier ones. It just takes time and patience!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I've learned that I'm just not able to do things in moderation. I know I'm the type of person who will eat a whole pizza, a whole carton of ice cream, a whole 6 pack of beer or an entire bag of goldfish crackers. I know I CAN eat properly all the time, but I know that will most likely overeat when I feel deprived. I will eat my emotions at any turn of events. Perhaps, I will stick to a diet 6 days a week and then splurge one day a week to keep things in check.

    Anyone else have this issue? How do you control things? All or nothing? Is it completely unhealthy to eat 3000-3500 calories one day a week and reduce that amount from your total calorie needs on the other days for a balance over the week?

    Like I'm supposed to eat 1400...What if I eat 1050 6 days a week, plus exercise calories... and then one day a week have the crazy day of eating? I just know having one treat a day never works. It's like a flip switches and I overeat.

    Actually, what you're talking about is perfectly fine. If you're hitting a weekly average instead of a daily average, there should be not detriment to your overall weight loss.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    This is fine. While you are just as capable as anyone else of learning new behaviors as you need to, there is also nothing wrong with just finding what works for you. There isn't any reason to feel stressed and deprived. There are lots of options that can work while eating within a calorie deficit. If your weekly average is a deficit, you will lose - and the closer to goal that average is, the more effective it will be. No problem.

    Eat pizza. Be happy. Or don't and be happy. It's your call.

    (If you choose pizza, let me know what time....)
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I've gotten my compulsive overeating under control with self-discipline techniques. One thing that helped when I started out on this path though, was recognizing that I COULDN'T eat in moderation, so I went with the next best option: eat healthy foods. If I felt like eating a ton of food, I would make it a ton of veggies, fruit, healthy carbs, etc. Once you've got that down, start working towards recognizing your fullness-factor and whittling your serving sizes down.
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    I know eating a balanced diet every day is considered the best way by many, but everyone is different and you need to find a way that works for you. If the healthy balance every day isn't working for you then try what you suggest. Some people do calorie cycling and although it's a bit different to what you want to try, it can work.

    Here's a couple of things I would suggest (although only suggestions based on my experience so feel free to ignore lol).

    I'd personally aim to net at least 1200 calories on the low days.
    I'd have a light breakfast and lunch on my heavy calorie day, just because if you started the splurge early in the day it would be quite easy to go WAY over even like 3,000 calories. I'd then go for pizza and ice cream for dinner so that there are only so many hours left in the day. I know I could personally blow over 3,000 calories easily if I thought I could eat whatever I wanted all day long.

    I'd get weighed first thing in the morning (I do weekly weigh ins) of my splurge day so that by the time I got weighed again, any retained water from high sodium would have disappeared over the week.

    I’d still count all my calories up and make sure that I was still in a deficit based on weekly total calories.

    And, if I found it too hard to get back to healthy eating the following day or found the splurge was lasting more than one day I would have to re-evaluate.

    Good luck!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am an emotional/bored/stress overeater. I used to think I couldn't eat things in moderation and for a long time I couldn't. I used to tell myself and others that I just didn't have willpower. I went through the route of trying to cut things out only to end up failing.

    I realized that the reason I "couldn't" eat in moderation was because I was telling myself I couldn't do it....I was setting myself up to fail and to not be able to say no. I'd freak out if I gave in and had just one of something...and because I stressed myself out, I'd end up depressed and binging.

    Once I faced that, I began to stop demonizing foods and telling myself I absolutely couldn't eat this because it was "bad" and later freaking/stressing out because I had one cookie.

    Once I stopped telling myself "I can't"...I turned to a "I can" and a "Will do" attitude. The changes didn't happen overnight, but they happened...which is what matters. I came to realize the more I told myself, "I can have a cookie and I will only have 1 or 2 (depending on what fit in my goals)" and succeeded in following through...the easier it became to eat in moderation.

    And before I knew it...BAM...I had some willpower and I continue to increase the willpower I have every day.
  • XxAngry_Pixi
    XxAngry_Pixi Posts: 236 Member
    I've learned that I'm just not able to do things in moderation. I know I'm the type of person who will eat a whole pizza, a whole carton of ice cream, a whole 6 pack of beer or an entire bag of goldfish crackers. I know I CAN eat properly all the time, but I know that will most likely overeat when I feel deprived. I will eat my emotions at any turn of events. Perhaps, I will stick to a diet 6 days a week and then splurge one day a week to keep things in check.

    Anyone else have this issue? How do you control things? All or nothing? Is it completely unhealthy to eat 3000-3500 calories one day a week and reduce that amount from your total calorie needs on the other days for a balance over the week?

    Like I'm supposed to eat 1400...What if I eat 1050 6 days a week, plus exercise calories... and then one day a week have the crazy day of eating? I just know having one treat a day never works. It's like a flip switches and I overeat.

    As long as you are at a deficit for the week, you will still lose weight. I do this myself, I like to have drinks and nibblies with my husband on his day off once a week, and eat under my calories (not by huge amounts) the other 6 days. So far it is working for me :)
  • hotmamatodd
    hotmamatodd Posts: 33 Member
    I am not an expert by any means, but have had great success with my weight-loss, life-betterment plan thus far. I have found that for every problem there is a solution. First, you need to cure the root of the problem. And I think you are on your way because you already realize that this could be hindering your weight-loss goals. I'm sure after you are halfway through a pizza or halfway through a carton of ice cream, you realize what you are doing. Try at that point to stop yourself by saying "one more piece" or one more scoop...and do it. Let yourself enjoy the last slice or two with a side salad for lunch the next day. Letting yourself know that it's not that you CAN'T have it, just tomorrow in moderation. Time after time it will get easier. And with this comes the gratification of self-control and success. I try this mind over matter game everyday with my exercise to push through barriers. 99% is in your head. Just when you feel like you can't, you can! Get your emotions out of the way and you can do anything.

    I really don't believe that eating heavier on certain days more than others is a problem, it's just to what extreme. When I first read your story, my first worry was that on your lower days, they are way too low. Stay closer to your recommended daily calories to keep your metabolism revved and your body from going into starvation mode. That's what I think the people above are talking about when they speak of binge eating.

    Do you track on MFP on your heavy eating days? This could be a good wake-up call too. To actually see the daily totals.

    Good luck! And believe me that no one is without struggles. We are all here to support each other as we strive to be better.

  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I do it by keeping my "binge" foods harder to get. I only have a small package in the house or need to go out and buy it. When I go out to buy it I don't buy a large and bring it home. I will go to the pizza place and eat one slice or go to the ice cream stand and order one small cone. When sitting alone at home it is easier to shovel more food than when you are in public.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member



    Sounds like the solution
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    OP, what you describe sounds like an addiction. I'm addicted to food, especially overeating it. I treat food like a drug, which is what it is to me. Sadly, quitting cold turkey isn't an option. So I have to face my addiction every day and take responsibility for it.

    Yesterday, I was actually negative on calories because of a massive workout. This morning, I ate a slightly larger breakfast, knowing that today will be another massive workout day for me. What I didn't do was go to McDonald's and eat 4 sausage McMuffins, which is what the "addict" me wanted to do.

    If you're addict, you have to face your addiction and be responsible for it.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    Before I had WLS I had that problem too. I finally had to fall back on the old "You can't eat what you don't buy" rule and stop buying things like chips, ice cream, cookies, candy, etc. If it was in the house, I'd eat it. That was the only way I was able to keep myself from just eating the whole bag of chips.
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    I've learned that I'm just not able to do things in moderation. I know I'm the type of person who will eat a whole pizza, a whole carton of ice cream, a whole 6 pack of beer or an entire bag of goldfish crackers. I know I CAN eat properly all the time, but I know that will most likely overeat when I feel deprived. I will eat my emotions at any turn of events. Perhaps, I will stick to a diet 6 days a week and then splurge one day a week to keep things in check.

    Anyone else have this issue? How do you control things? All or nothing? Is it completely unhealthy to eat 3000-3500 calories one day a week and reduce that amount from your total calorie needs on the other days for a balance over the week?

    Like I'm supposed to eat 1400...What if I eat 1050 6 days a week, plus exercise calories... and then one day a week have the crazy day of eating? I just know having one treat a day never works. It's like a flip switches and I overeat.

    My mom never told me that I had a twin out there!

    I don't generally have trouble with keeping my diet in check Monday through Friday supper but once Friday night rolls around - WATCH OUT. The weekends are my kryptonite. A couple of weeks ago I walked to the gas station, bought a bag of Doritos and promptly inhaled. There are certain foods for me where I have zero control and do not understand moderation. At. All. For me it's all things salty and crunchy. I can put a pack of cookies or chocolate down and walk away but not chips or crackers. You get me near a bag of Frito Lay Potato Chips with French onion dip on stand-by...oof. There's a reason my husband calls me "Emily-Bag-O-Chips." Sigh.

    I've been trying to figure this out for a few weeks, maybe a month and think that it's mostly drink related. I'll have one maybe two drinks on the weekdays but the training wheels come on Friday after dinner. Drinking leads me to overeat. P.S. I just came to this realization within the past few days. My new goal for the weekends are going to be to limit alcohol and see what that does for my binging.

    In all honesty, I don't think it's a big deal to have one day way over if you're under or at your goal for the rest of the week. Even with my craziness I'm still going down (slowly but still going in the right direction.) You have to do what's right for you. For me, I have to get this in check because, as one of my MFPers pointed out, once I reach my goal I'm going to slow down on exercise and if I continue to binge the weight will creep back. I need to get my relationship with food healthy if I'm going to maintain this new life that I've been building for myself.

    Feel free to add me if you like. Good luck!
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    Your weekly plan is fine, but it doesn't address the core issue which is your compulsive desire to eat in large amounts. If you feel this behavior is detrimental to you, then you aren't really fixing the problem, you're just working it into your life... which again, is fine.

    I think it would be better to work on self control because that would branch out into other areas of life. I don't see merit in the mindset of "I can't do _______ in moderation." It's a victim mentality. You are always in control of your actions, especially where food is involved. It's just a matter of changing habits and behaviors.
  • amie709
    There's nothing wrong with getting more calories on certain days and less on others. Add up to what you need for the week.
    Binging is just not healthy

    If by "binging" you mean going over on total calories for the week, and by "just not healthy" you mean causes you to gain weight, you're right. But I think you mean eating a lot in a sitting. That's perfectly fine. I do it every day, I just usually only eat twice in a day.

    Eating a lot in one sitting and still being fine on calories for the day is ok.

    What is unhealthy is what the OP said, "eat a whole pizza, a carton of ice cream, 6 beers....". Eating what you want in moderation is fine, but it is not a good habit (for most people) to have a day a week where you go dramatically over on your calories. Those days are setbacks and if they go unchecked, become a lifestyle.


    Eating 6 times a day and eating 250 calories each time to add up to 1500 calories is NOT the same as eating once and eating 1500 in one sitting. And eating healthy 6 days a week and having whatever and how ever much you want on the 7th day will keep you wanting those same foods all the time making it harder to eat healthy the rest of the days and damange any progress you had for the week. My advice: All the foods that you want to eat like that STAY AWAY FROM. If you can't eat pizza without eating it all-stay away from the pizza!! Give your body a good solid chance to lose some weight and get used to not having those things before you start adding them back in again-if you stay away from pizza for 2 months and eat healthy the whole time you will probably find that you couldn't eat as much as your used to anyway and that you have gotten better at portion control in that time!!