Would like to make friends somewhere...

Hi, My name is Cassie. I live and work in Tokyo Japan with my husband, 5 year old daughter, and giant dog. I own a yarn shop, and I am a bit overweight.

A bit... I should start out with that. I am 5'7" (168 cm for those of us on the metric scales) and 180 lbs (82kgs). I am working hard at losing weight but am having a hard time.

I started out at 86.5 kg, and after 2 weeks of low carb dieting (stupid on my part really as it has really screwed up my intestines short term I'm sure) and swapped over to MFP and counting calories last week. Eating meat and veg was nice, and it seemed like a good thing (lots of fiber etc too) but it just felt so restrictive.

My biggest problem is time, which in reality, is probably everyone's problem. I have time, but wisely budgeting it is something I'm not sure how to do, mainly because of my job. I'm also not honestly, the most energetic person. My job involves large amounts of knitting. I LOVE my job, and wouldn't change it for the world, so am now searching out ways to become active that I don't hate. I really want to have a touring bicycle, but haven't scraped the money together to buy one yet, so for now I'm walking my dog (I have a great dane, so he requires a long walk in the morning and evening) doing a few run/walks here and there, and lots of like....floor exercise? (difficult yoga poses, abdominal/ leg exercises). I know that those exercises won't necessarily help me burn calories so quickly, but I have very little muscle I feel, and maybe if I had more muscle, I would be able to endure longer when I attempt jogging.

Anyhoodle, I'm thinking a healthy weight for me would be 155-160. I could certainly use some cheering on or something, as I often feel...frustrated? I know this isn't something that will happen quickly, so I came here for some cheering on.

So as we say here...or as I say to most people during my day: Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu (I hope we can be friends)


  • iamjoanpaz
    iamjoanpaz Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I'm Joan. I am from the Philippines but I now live in Los Angeles.

    I gained a lot of weight when I moved here in California. I used to work in a restaurant and i love to eat and that's the reason why I gained so much weight. I used to weight 140 lbs before coming to the US. Then 1 year after I came here, I weighed 160 lbs. i know...i gained a lot...hahaha...And I stand 5 feet 4 inches tall. (petite. i know. )

    When I realized I was too fat already, I decided to do something. But I am too lazy to go to the gym. I started with the low carb diet. I is sooo hard. Knowing us -- filipinos or asians are so used to eating rice 3 times a day. lol For like 2 months, i lessened my rice intake and had more vegies. But I can only do it for 2 mos. I told you I love to eat. I can't live without my rice. lol It kind of worked for me for a little bit. I lost 4 lbs. (i know. its not a lot).

    And I got stuck. My weight would fluctuate for a little bit. 155 - 156.8 lbs margin. My target weight is 130-135 lbs.

    Btw, my job is mostly office work so I just sit on my desk and face the computer for 8 hours. But I walk from work. My office is about a mile from my apartment.

    Anyway, in June, I noticed that my boss really lost weight. So I asked her and she told me, she does zumba and just eat veggies and fruits for dinner. I got interested coz I love dancing. That weekend, I signed up for a gym membership and started doing zumba.

    1st zumba class -- OMG. I thought I was gonna die. lol yeah. I was catching my breath, my face was so red. the next day, my whole body was sore.

    I never sweat like I sweat when doing zumba before. Like never. I tried aerobics, belly dancing and tae-bo a few years back when I was still home.

    But I really enjoyed the zumba class and got somehow addicted to it. its just dancing. You wont even feel that you are working out and losing hundreds of calories! Besides those almost-dying feeling is just on the first week. By the 2nd week my body got used to it so I dont have to catch my breath anymore.

    I used to go to Zumba class 4 times a week. But this month my schedule got kind of busy so I only do it twice a week.

    Been doing Zumba for almost 3 months now and I've lost 15 lbs already. My current weight is 141 lbs. I am so happy. I still have a few pounds to lose before my target weight and flabby arms and tummy to tone but I am so happy with the result of my not-so-hardwork losing weight. (not-so-hardwork coz I actually enjoy it.)

    BTW, it doesnt take a lot of time. A class is only for an hour.

    My advice to you. Stop those 'starving yourself' diet. Do whatever exercise routine that you'd enjoy. Do something you enjoy and you are gonna lose weight in no time. :)

    Goodluck to you!
  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    I sent a FR. :D
  • I used to do zumba...but have do you know who "Daria" is? That's me....without the glasses. My personality can take very little "happy go lucky" or "hot salsa music"....I'm a bit "emo". If I did things like painting my fingernails, they would be black. I'm a cynic, therefore, zumba doesn't really "fit" me. The guy who made it is sex on a stick though!
  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    I used to do zumba...but have do you know who "Daria" is? That's me....without the glasses. My personality can take very little "happy go lucky" or "hot salsa music"....I'm a bit "emo". If I did things like painting my fingernails, they would be black. I'm a cynic, therefore, zumba doesn't really "fit" me. The guy who made it is sex on a stick though!

    I'm very cynical, too, but there is a side to me that can appreciate doing zumba at home, alone. XD

    For cardio there are so many things to do. Long, brisk walks are the best for fat loss, but consistency is key.
  • lannabelle
    lannabelle Posts: 85 Member
    I'll send you a request!