Newbie looking for pals :D

I won't make this long, mainly because I have to go to sleep and I am not a big talker generally haha
So.. My name is Winter, I am 18 years old, I am a musician, singer, writer, and whatever else haha ^^"
I am very friendly! so feel free to P.M me anytime! :D
I am currently living in Israel, but I'll be moving to Whitby, Ontario as soon as I can, hopefully even this year!
I am trying to lose about 90lb, 42kg. I am not sure it's 100% accurate, but I'm too lazy to convert right now :P
Ahh.. in kg it sounds so much less ^^"
Anyways, yeah, just wanted to introduce myself and wish everyone good luck! Hope we all get to out goal weights and be beautiful and awesome and healthy and fit! :D