Could use some advice...and maybe a pep talk.

I've just gotten started (for the millionth time) again. I've been doing great for about two weeks now. Saturday I have a big outing with friends that I'm SO looking forward to. The food won't be too much of a problem, but I'm happy to hear suggestions.

We're going to a Mexican restaurant. I'm thinking first, I'll up my water intake all day. Second, I plan to curb calories as much as possible. Third, I plan to get in a good cardio workout early in the day. Fourth, I'll indulge in mainly salsa with a couple of chips and stay away from the cheesy dips we usually order. Is guacamole ok? Third, and I figure a plan is important, I'm going to have fajitas, but no tortillas.

My big worry...drinking. I love one, or several, adult beverages. I haven't been out with my friends in so long, I can't remember the last time. I'm feeling entitled. I'm struggling. What's the best thing to have (aside from red wine). I LOVE Jack Daniels and Coke. But that's probably not the way to go. Thoughts? Help! Thanks.


  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    Just enjoy the day with your friends and start tracking again on Sunday. Wait a few extra days before your next weigh-in (depending on when you do them) to allow for any sodium induced water weight to disappear. You're overthinking and stressing.
  • angiepangie97
    angiepangie97 Posts: 8 Member
    Umm my suggestion make that your "splurge" day! dont stress about it...enjoy it!!!(and pick up the next day) :)
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    What about Jack and Diet Coke. Still track the day and be honest with yourself, but don't weigh in for a few days. Try drinking water or a diet soda at the same time you're drinking cocktails to not have them go down so fast. Fajitas are a great choice with no tortillas.
    Also, my favorite is flavored vodka and seltzer water.
  • balguy
    balguy Posts: 19 Member
    Although I do agree that you should splurge. I wanted to give you a few other ideas or thoughts:

    About splurging that day: I heard that there are studies out there that say that men are more sucesfull than woman on dieting because men dont feel as guilty cheating. So my first suggestion for staying in track, give your self a brake if you do end up eating more one day, or one meal go on with your diet on next meal or day and you will be successful.There are diets out there that tell people to splurge one meal or even one full day every week.

    But here are a few other suggestions if you do want to try to go out with friends more often: 1) do drink plenty of water before and after and have vegetables prepared to eat throughout day (to borrow calories from lunch to use for dinner) 2) treat yourself to a good meal that day dont hold your self back too much (you dont do this every night as you said) 3) find the restaurants menu before you go and decide on what you want to eat 4)once you decide on what you want to eat , treat yourself. but try to figure out a way to cut the calories necessary from the rest of your day 5) play the following game: Saturday plan to work out and burn as many calories as possible at the gym (or walking, swimming etc) figure out how many calories you burned and that's how much you are allowed to eat that evening- I like this idea because it not only allows you to eat what you want it also allows you to get into the habit of good work outs by giving yourself rewards...6)One last thing; another approach during that day is Slimfast for lunch and just do anything but bread in the restaurant

    good luck and dont forget do not give up, if you couldn't do well on that meal smile and tell yourself "I am trying, I am doing my best, and from now till next time I fail; I be the best dieter ever" and be willing to tell this to yourself as often as you need to and you will succeed. Eventually failures come less and less often. I lost 45 lbs about 8 years ago and kept it up until this year , I remember that it was me allowing failure that helped me then.
  • myprivategoals
    myprivategoals Posts: 7 Member
    I appreciate everyone's suggestions. This is the same thing I struggle with on the weekends. I have also been trying to be really good M-F and exercising more on the weekends. It is so ding dang hard when so many events are centered around food and/or drinks.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    The most important thing to remember about weight management is to not go on a "diet" it is to make a lifestyle change. Part of this lifestyle change is learning how to deal with social eating situations. Unless you go out regularly, just enjoy your night out with your friends and don't stress about it. One night every now and again doesn't make or break you.

    However, if you need to stick to your calorie goal for mental and motivational reasons, then do a bit of research on the restaurant beforehand. A seafood cocktail is delicious and around 300 or so calories. Fajitas are also a good choice. Enjoy the refried beans and rice in moderation, and only eat a handful of the chips and salsa.