abs help please?

Ok so I have a history of an eating disorder and my weight yo-yos on a 6 month time frame ofter... usually a loss of 15kg/35lbs ish and then a regain on a continuous cycle. exercise really goes along with that in terms of my motivation. last year I enlisted the help of a PT and that combined with 30DS and RI30 got me a banging body.

I'm seriously done with Jillian Michaels now as those dvds trigger unhealthy patterns for me so I'm looking at gym only and after moving to the USA I can't afford a PT ontop of my gym membership.

> That's the background. Now my question :)

With my PT last year I did a lot of work with like a roller which I have tried to do now but I don't have the strength to get very far at all and I feel like it's not helping enough and that I need to build up to it.

I do like leg lifts for lower abs, twists/pockets for obliques and a fair amount of plank crap . I can seem to find a lot more exercises online etc for lower and obliques but what can I do for my upper abs to work up to the roller thingy and some serious crunches and sit ups and all that.

I feel like I have several exercises for other muscle groups but because I feel so limited when it comes to abs because I don't have a lot of strength I get bored and skip it... which really wont help me improve lol.

so yeah.. suggestions for beginner upper ab workouts mainly would be appreciated so much
