*** 30-Day-Walk ***

funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey everybody! So, today, I decided to start a 1 month walking challenge. I needed something to do after I finished the 30-day-shred. Gives me something to work toward. Now, if anybody is willing to give it a try, here we go:

This schedule is for Leslie Sansone Walk at Home/Walk Away the Pounds videos, but you can modify it for a treadmill or plain ol’ walking outside.

Workout Schedule:

Weeks 1 & 2:

Day 1 - Two Mile Walk + Lower Body Strength Moves
Day 2 - One Mile Walk
Day 3 - Two Mile Walk + Core Strength Moves
Day 4 - One Mile Walk
Day 5 - Two Mile Walk + Lower Body Strength Moves
Day 6 - Four Mile Walk + Core Strength Moves
Day 7 - Rest

Weeks 3 & 4:

Day 1 -Three Mile Walk + Lower Body Strength Moves
Day 2 - One Mile Walk
Day 3 - Three Mile Walk + Core Strength Moves
Day 4 - One Mile Walk
Day 5 - Three Mile Walk + Lower Body Strength Moves
Day 6 - Four Mile Walk + Core Strength Moves
Day 7 - Rest

Lower Body Strength Moves:

These are up to you! I’ll give you some examples, but go do some research and pick two strength moves that target the lower body.

Weeks 1 & 2:

Do 12 - 15 reps of each exercise, repeating on both sides.

Weeks 3 & 4:

Do 2 sets of 12 - 15 reps of each exercise, repeating on both sides.


Cross Leg Swing: Tie a band around a sturdy furniture leg or railing at floor level and loop it around left ankle, with left leg extended out to the side. Band should be taut. Flew left foot, contract inner thigh, and swing left leg across body. Hold, then slowly return to start without touching foot to floor between reps.

Moving Squat: Stand with feet together. Step right foot out to side 2 to 3 feet, bend hips and knees, and sit back as if lowering into a chair. Keep knees behind toes. Stand up, bringing left foot toward right so feet are together. Step to left on next rep. Alternate sides until you’ve completed all reps.

Core Strength Moves:

These are also up to you. I’ll give some examples, but do some research and find which two moves you’d like to do. Make sure they target core muscles!

Weeks 1 & 2: Do 15 - 20 reps on each side when appropriate.

Weeks 3 & 4: Do 2 sets of 15 - 20 reps on each side when appropriate.


Side Plank: Lie on right side, right leg bent, left leg extended. Prop yourself up on right elbow, palm flat, left hand on hip. Contract abs and raise right hip and thigh off floor. Slowly lower right hip toward floor without touching in between reps.

Roll-Down: Sit on floor with knees bent, feet flat, and arms extended in front of you. Pull abs in, round back, and inhale as you roll about halfway down toward floor. Exhale and slowly roll up, sitting tall.


I came up with this plan with the help of a similar walking plan in a Prevention “Walk Off the Weight” magazine. Who knows how well it'll work. :) Make sure you take measurements. I’m starting today, but you’re welcome to start whenever you like! Who’s with me? Any questions?


  • Wow, you really took some time to work on this. I might just go for it with you, but I won't be able to start right away. I used to have some of her videos and I might be able to find them again, so soon as I do (treadmill's broken and I can't gauge how far I've walked if I'm just walking outside) I'll start and I'll keep you posted on how I do. Who knows, maybe a career as a personal trainer is in your future. Seems like you'd be a perfect fit for that kind of thing. :-)

  • I love Leslie Sansome workouts! Good luck. I might try your plan after I have been back on track for a while!:drinker:
  • I'll give it a try with ya'!
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    I think that sounds like a great plan! I believe I will start tomorrow. Walking inside sounds more doable since it has been so hot outside. Thanks for that little extra motivational push!
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