Training sessions

I'm trying to drop a couple of kg's of fat and gain muscle (not heaps, but enough to be noticable). Questions:

1. How many times a week do you train? Do you believe in rest day/s? 'm training 4-5 days a week at present being 2 weights session, a bootcamp and a gym circuit.

2. In my weight sessions I'm doing all body weights, should I move to body part specific days instead? If so do you have any programs you could recommend?



  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member

    I train 4 times per week. I do believe in rest days (and magic), and I enjoy them. I used to despite them (all gym all the days!!!) but now I'm old. And my performance is better when I keep a day in between.

    Whether one should do full body or a split is a point of contention here. I say it doesn't really matter. I do 3 full body days and one focus day where I rotate areas. It works for me. Your mileage may vary.

    Good luck!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    It's usually recommended to avoid working the same muscle group hard 2 days in a row.. and to take a day off from hard training once a week, to allow for full recovery. There are many people who break these rules successfully, but there are many who get injured breaking them, so they are good rules of thumb to follow.

    For your goals, i'd do a full-body workout. I explained why a few minutes ago in another post. On your non-lifting days, you can do cardio.
    What does your "gym circuit" consist of?
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    the gym circuit changes each week but today it was a circuit of 10 different exercises that we did on 3 rotations being 45sec, 30sec and 25 secs. They were a mix of cardio and strength eg kettlebells swings, bicep curls, maountain climbers, rower, squats etc.

    I am seeing changes, and it has only been a month so maybe I should stick with it a bit longer. I an not sore after my sessions and feel compelled to do muscle groups...??
  • I got to the gym 3 days a week, always try and have a rest day between. However I play basketball (40min) monday nights and train tuesdays (90min, drills and moderate game).

    My gym sessions include a 10min warmup jog/walk. usually try and burn 100-130cals. then 40min weights. I'm aiming at my whole body but have days where i rest my calfs, core, shoulders or back. I usually rotate between them and the ones i do every sessions, biceps quads, hams, triceps, chest.. I do different methods of exercises to target these. For example for triceps. One day i'd do tricep body dips, the next session I do the rope pull down tricep exercise. Keep your body guessing..!

    My advice is book a session a Personal Trainer. To help establish a program that you can then grow from and personalize with your preferred exercises.