Chalean extreme or Jillian Michaels for muscle gain?

My goal is to become fit and gain some muscle, I'm 20 yrs old 5'1 90-95lbs (don't weigh myself often), and researching and seeing answers from my previous long post, heavy lifting combined with eating more (and more protein intake) sounds like the best plan. I have tried some Jillian Michael's cds before, like her 30 day shred and I did it for a week before my body got too tired to continue on (think not drinking enough water and not breathing right when working out made my body start hating it), but anyway I liked the Jillian Michael's workout but never used weights with it and she goes for low weight training anyway. So which program would be better, Chalean Johnson seeing how she's all about heavy weights, or Jillian michael's 3-2-1 way of doing things? And for "heavy" weight lifting would 5-10lb dumbbells or Resistance bands be good to start out with or is that too light? I've never done any heavy lifting workouts so I'd have to start small and work my way up to like 20lb weights. And how long should it be before I start seeing results? I'm pretty small so I should start seeing muscle results quickly right?

Btw, I know I don't need any workout program to do weight lifting but I can't go to the gym and I don't like workout out alone, and probably wouldn't know correct form without seeing someone show me lol