new diabetic

Brandy217 Posts: 6
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
:bigsmile: Hello, Just found ont this week that I am a diabetic. A wonderful friend of mine sent me this site. I am looking for any good advice & recipes.


  • This is SUCH a great site to help you get back into shape and rid yourself of diabetes through a healthy lifestyle. Welcome!! :bigsmile:
  • sakitchens
    sakitchens Posts: 37 Member
    I am diabetic. I recomend that you go to a dieatician. They will help. It helped me. You just have to watch how many carbs you eat at each meal. I try to stay under 50 carbs per meal. If you keep track of your calories then you will start to loose weight and then in turn it will help with you blood sugar. Good Luck on your journey. I know you can do it!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I am not a diabetic, but about 30 years ago, a female cousin--same age as me to the day--was diagnosed. She resolved she would NOT let the disease rule her, it would be the other way around. She made changes in her eating, and immediately joined a gym, where she still works out just about every day. She lives several hundred miles from me, so I haven't seen her in about 4 years, but when I last saw her, she looked about 15 years younger than she is and has a body that many women in their 20's would kill for.

    She has also NEVER taken any diabetes meds--she controls her condition with diet and exercise. On the other hand, one of her aunts was diagnosed as an older adult, refused to deal with it appropriately, and didn't live many years after the diagnosis.

    You have the capability to determine whether you control the disease or whether the disease controls you. Good luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Welcome. This site is full of advice and motivation, not to mention tons of great people.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    Sorry about your new diagnosis! I hope that this site helps you out! Welcome !!!!
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