Southern Chicks/Guys United!

Hello all!

I am in the process of dropping some and just everyday life has packed on the pounds--I definitely packed on more than the "freshmen 15" and I am here to chunk all those pounds away...please feel free to add me!

Oh yes, I am from down south so we all know how southern cooking is :( haha


  • RN514
    RN514 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Bama girl here :)

    Um, I've been out of nursing school for almost two years, and I'm still trying to loose the "more than freshman 15"...long process! I gained like 60lbs during not cute. I'm getting there though!

    Feel free to add me & good luck reaching your goals!
  • GoRunNow74
    Georgia here...feel free to add.
  • Funky_Mabel
    Funky_Mabel Posts: 17 Member
    south kakalaki
  • JenniLo3
    JenniLo3 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you all! Sending requests now! :)
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    I'm in Nashville southern cooking :smile:
  • JenniLo3
    JenniLo3 Posts: 18 Member
    haha! that is one of the perks from being from down south! It is a double edged sword for sure!
  • JenniLo3
    JenniLo3 Posts: 18 Member
    Bama girl here :)

    Um, I've been out of nursing school for almost two years, and I'm still trying to loose the "more than freshman 15"...long process! I gained like 60lbs during not cute. I'm getting there though!

    Feel free to add me & good luck reaching your goals!

    I completely understand! I packed on a good 40lbs! glad we are friends on here!
  • Rjohnsonjr32
    I am not from the south, but am from the good ol' Midwest! Anywho, if you want to add me feel free. I log daily and I chat, support, challenge etc. Good luck to you all!
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    I'm from TX and I loves me some chicken friend steak and greens, mmmm.

    I'm gonna add you :)
  • mikeykhan2003
    Good ol' Bham AL !
  • kixxiekat
    Welcome and feel free to add me! I've taken the attitude of no excuses! Any anyone who has healthy versions of southern cooking pleeeease send them my way!! No, seriously, I am definately begging, lol! :)
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    I'm not from here but like my momma says "I got here as fast as I could."

    Married a good ol' southern boy and man, did I pack on the pounds. Love to add!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Alabama here! Originally a yankee though. :( Do I still count??? Lolol. :happy: :drinker:
  • mikeykhan2003
    Alabama here! Originally a yankee though. :( Do I still count??? Lolol. :happy: :drinker:

    We love to have ya, but if you've been here that long you already know the answer :)
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    Georgia Girl now (But I'm Canadian)......not sure if this applies since I don't eat the Southern Fried anything, lol!
    Even KFC has a different menu here.....Say whaaaaaaaaaa?
  • mikeykhan2003
    Spent some time in CA - you guys don't have mac and cheese OR good biscuits at kfc in NL. wth? How is that even possible.
  • Snuzzle1
    Mississippi girl here! Just starting out on my weight loss journey. Long way to go, and alot of determination to get there!
  • aleXXXXlopez
    I'm in the dirty South & it's nuthin but Southern Fried or Authentic Mexican.....God Help Me!!!!! Lol I'll add U:)
  • dallasandrews1
    dallasandrews1 Posts: 22 Member
    Originally from Humble, TX and the navy brought me north. I'll always be a southern girl at heart though :)
  • liltxnchic20
    Texas here, after having my first baby I went back down to pre- baby weight like bam, I was also in the military... As soon as I got out of the Army the weight started showing up and I have gone up and down for years,. Then after baby #2 I just stayed at high 180's got up to 200 with him and never gotten below 170 after having him,. Now after baby #3, my most def last baby, I'm motivated and ready to get my sexy back. My husband is currently stationed in South Korea and I plan to get back down to 140 by the time he comes home for good next Oct, but drop a lot before his surprise visit in Nov. I have already lost 24 Pounds since I had my daughter 8 weeks ago ... I'm ready to get back to being the me that's inside and showing my babies what a healthy lifestyle is like!!