Is it truly possible???

Yesterday I spent 4 hours in the garden. I have a 30x50 foot perennial garden that is being completely reorganized. Ive been digging and planting and digging and planting. Out of curiosity I ut it into the exercise log, it says I burned 2100 calories. Is that even possible? I did not actually log it, I only logged my intentional exercise. I am tired and sore today, but it feels good. :yawn:


  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Probably not.
  • I dont think it is, I find MFP can be a bit off with some of its calculations

    I logged 15 minutes of stepping (on a box thingy) and MFP said it was about 300 calories but my HRM said it was 80

    I would take that 4 hours as a bonus work out :)
  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    I wouldn't think that number is accurate. I would try a heart rate monitor to get as accurate as possible. Good luck and have a great day!
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    2100 calories!!!?? That's impossible. Only light cleaning has that kind of burn.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Yesterday I spent 4 hours in the garden. I have a 30x50 foot perennial garden that is being completely reorganized. Ive been digging and planting and digging and planting. Out of curiosity I ut it into the exercise log, it says I burned 2100 calories. Is that even possible? I did not actually log it, I only logged my intentional exercise. I am tired and sore today, but it feels good. :yawn:
    nope. not accurate.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
  • jesindc
    jesindc Posts: 724 Member
    Yes, I was kind of shocked the first time I saw MFP's gardening calculation. I wore my heart rate monitor and for me, it was more like 350 calories in an hour. Gardening can definitely be a legit workout, but it so subjective. I'd had days when I was just planting seedlings where I barely broke a sweat and then I've had days when I've been lifting 40 lb bags of mulch and cleaning out debris where I'm sweating bullets.