Hair Loss and Weight Loss



  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    So many people are saying it's malnourishment... It could also just be from the stress you're putting on your body. How long into your journey did your hair loss begin (or I guess when you really started to notice it?) Having such a stressor on your body can cause short-term hair loss. I myself have lost 40lbs over the past 9 months and about 3 to 4 months in I started noticing a huge increase in hair fallout. Believe me, I'd actually been CRYING over my thinning hair. For the most part I don't think I've been malnourished, netting between 1600 to 2000 per day, staying close to my macros, etc. Yet the hair just started coming out in handfuls.

    When your body goes through something traumatic like pregnancy, child birth, malnutrition (supporting the others in this thread), a severe illness or infection, major surgery, or extreme stress (like going from no fitness to a fitness fiend), it can impact your hair. Many of the 90% or so of hairs in the growing (anagen) or transitional (catagen) phases can actually shift all at once into the resting (telogen) phase.

    About SIX WEEKS TO THREE MONTHS after the stressful event, the shedding phenomenon called Telogen Effluvium may begin. It is possible to lose handfuls of hair at a time when in full-blown telogen effluvium. For most who suffer with this, complete remission is probable as long as severely stressful events can be avoided. (Which means I should just sit on my butt and eat chocolate all day, right?)

    Other things can cause hair loss like Vitamin D deficiency, Vitamin B deficiency (like B9 which is folic acid, and B7 which is biotin), hormones (exercise can cause hormonal shifts, especially a drop in testosterone if you're doing primarily cardio.)

    One thing that seems to be helping is I began massaging extra virgin coconut oil on my scalp. Coconut oil is great for preventing protein loss from your hair through shampooing and styling, thus preventing breakage. I've also started taking a multivitamin that has Vitamin D, folic acid and biotin in it (no, not a prenatals, though I've considered. Vitafusion Women's vitamin gummies have been great. Only thing they're missing is iron.)