Sleeve gastrectomy

I'm looking for friends who have had or are preparing for the sleeve gastrectomy. I'm currently in a weight management program and preparing for surgery in about 6 months. I'd like to find others to share experiences with and give support.


  • glamasjr
    glamasjr Posts: 31 Member
    My wife had the gastric bypass 5 years ago and lost 160 lbs. If you need help and motivation you can add me as a friend.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I had lap band and I have several friends who had the sleeve. It's been a year for me now. I have 5 friends who had the sleeve and all are happy with the results a year later.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    You're going to get a lot of people on here who say to skip the surgery and do it through willpower. I'm one of those people. Surgery should be an absolute last resort. It's risky, unnecessary, and it won't solve the emotional reasons for overeating. The six months that you spend in the weight management program preparing to be cut open can also be spent in therapy and working to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Please try this before getting the gastrectomy.

    That said, good luck with whatever you choose to do, because it's your life. Hopefully whatever method you choose will help you become healthier.
  • You're going to get a lot of people on here who say to skip the surgery and do it through willpower. I'm one of those people. Surgery should be an absolute last resort. It's risky, unnecessary, and it won't solve the emotional reasons for overeating. The six months that you spend in the weight management program preparing to be cut open can also be spent in therapy and working to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Please try this before getting the gastrectomy.

    That said, good luck with whatever you choose to do, because it's your life. Hopefully whatever method you choose will help you become healthier.

    Hmmmm...sounds to me as if SHE already knows what SHE wants to do.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I spent 12 years trying to do it through will power. I counted calories and saw an RD and had a personal trainer. I did Weight Watchers. I did South Beach. Didn't work for me. I failed every time.

    Now with my lap band I have the tool I need to control my eating. I physically cannot overeat any longer. For me it's been a lifesaver. I am able to eat healthy foods in reasonable portions and not have cravings or hunger.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I spent my whole life overweight/obese and having VSG saved my life. It is very true that WLS won't be a cure, that you have to work at it physically and mentally every day, and it is most certainly not the easy way out. I see a therapist to cover the emotional side of things. I had surgery 9 months ago and have lost 107 lbs in that time- 137 total from my highest weight 18 months ago. I am 5 lbs from goal. I am no longer diabetic or hypertensive. The only pills I take are vitamins. The benefits are endless and priceless. Anyone who needs WLS surgery as a life saving measure, I highly recommend the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy.

    Also, anyone can add me.

    OP, friend request sent. Good luck!!!
  • maab12
    maab12 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi I am also In the process as well I just started my 6 months of weight management under My doctor I am also going for the sleeve please feel free to add me I tried to find people before but nobody has responded. I hope to have the surgery in March around my daughters first birthday.
  • Good luck. Use the next 6 months with your nutritionist well! I had gastric bypass almost 20 months ago. I am so greatful and so much healthier, My cholesteral is down, I no longer have hypertension, my ankles are no longer swollen, my breathing and INCONTINANCE HAS IMPROVED. No one told me it would help with the "leaky-leaky". Did I mention that my knees no longer hurt? I did have a partial knee replacement after GB surgery. The orthopedist just blamed the knee pain on my weight. It wasn't until after surgery, another orthopedist ordered an MRI and couldn't find all of my cartiledge - hmmm. Because of the weight loss, I was able to have my recovery for the partial replacement in a hotel and not the hospital - saved me $$. I could go on for days with all of the benefits.

    Stick to the plan, follow your nutrition guidlines - you will never regret it. :smile:
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    You're going to get a lot of people on here who say to skip the surgery and do it through willpower. I'm one of those people. Surgery should be an absolute last resort. It's risky, unnecessary, and it won't solve the emotional reasons for overeating. The six months that you spend in the weight management program preparing to be cut open can also be spent in therapy and working to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Please try this before getting the gastrectomy.

    That said, good luck with whatever you choose to do, because it's your life. Hopefully whatever method you choose will help you become healthier.

    Spoken like someone who clearly has no understanding of the process.. The six months of preoperative weight management program IS time spent learning to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You're going to get a lot of people on here who say to skip the surgery and do it through willpower. I'm one of those people. Surgery should be an absolute last resort. It's risky, unnecessary, and it won't solve the emotional reasons for overeating. The six months that you spend in the weight management program preparing to be cut open can also be spent in therapy and working to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Please try this before getting the gastrectomy.

    That said, good luck with whatever you choose to do, because it's your life. Hopefully whatever method you choose will help you become healthier.

    Spoken like someone who clearly has no understanding of the process.. The six months of preoperative weight management program IS time spent learning to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

    Just curious how she doesn't understand?? She basically gave the OP an alternative that basically said if she is spending 6 months in a program anyway then why not spend that time in therapy learning the reasons that led to being overweight and learning how to get a handle on ones food addictions and implement what you learned into a lifestyle that is sustainable.... I see it as another option by what I read....... Best of Luck OP.......
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    Thank you for all of your responses. If there is anyone I missed who would like to be friends please send me a request.

    I am using these 6 months to work through my issues. I have a problem with impulse control. My doctor says surgery is the best option for someone like me to prevent regain.