I've never been thin!



  • jessicahill530
    jessicahill530 Posts: 65 Member
    I have never been thin either. I was having a discussion with someone the other day and they said they wished they were back at their high school weight and they were surprised when I said I was 15lbs heavier in high school. I am in better shape and smaller now than in HS, but I am about 15lbs heavier than my lowest weight of 165 when I got married. Having a baby makes your body change and I swear it is harder to lose weight now than ever before!
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm no where near what a lot of people would consider "thin" and I never have been. Sent me spiraling out of control on many occasions, until my weight reached 316 lbs at 5 ft 9".

    I had unrealistic expectations of what "thin" meant to me. The best way to set a healthy goal is to have a body compostion analysis done and work on body fat percentage, at least for me. I went from a goal weight of 159 lbs (based on a BMI chart) to a goal weight of 199 lbs. This was based on the fact that my lean muscle mass is 157 lbs. So I was going to end up with only 2 lbs of fat on my entire body? Not reasonable. AT ALL. I'll tell you this, I've really come a long way in deciding what's healthy. STRONG is healthy. Having 157 lbs of lean muscle mass to start with is exciting. I'm dropping only fat now with all my strength training and I feel FANTASTIC. With a goal weight of 199 lbs I'll be at approximately 25% body fat, which is considered healthy for a woman. I'll keep working on the body fat percentage to look "ripped" after that point is reached.
    We're all built differently, and it was tough for me to realize that I'm never going to be a size 0 - unless I drop all of that beautiful lean muscle mass and have trouble picking up a toothpick. No thanks!
    The Body Comp Analysis literally changed my life, because it's based on you and YOUR body. Hope you can get one done, and good luck.
  • mou_254
    mou_254 Posts: 153 Member
    same here...always been overweight and then obese....just making my goal weight up as i go,for now!!
  • Rangerfied
    Rangerfied Posts: 93 Member
    Well I was born at 10lbs, and during my childhood never recall being thin. I've always struggled with being over weight. Still to this day I struggle. I have no idea what it's like to be thin.
  • CrazyAnimalLady
    CrazyAnimalLady Posts: 104 Member
    I've been considered morbidly obese pretty much my entire life. I've gone to great lengths to lose weight previously, including the gastric bypass, only to put it all back on. At my thinnest I was a size 14 and still considered overweight, and then slowly through the last 11 years it started creeping back on and although I'm not as large as I once was I'm still a big girl. The only reference point I have for me was that size 14 time, and you know what - I was happy with the way I looked, but I'd say I'm a hell of a lot more fit now than I ever was! Honestly, I could care less what my "classification" is, as long as I'm healthy and happy with the way I look. I don't strive to be a twig because that's physically not possible for me with my build (I'm 6' tall and generally have a large frame).

    I once told a doctor that I'd love to be a size 8, he said get that number out of your head because your frame won't allow for that lol...Oh well, all I wanted was a single digit haha.
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    I am Obese. No one believes me though. I was never thin and on the upper end of "normal" as a kid. Once I hit puberty I was always "overweight". I was may healthiest my senior year of high school, active with a fabulous figure but the charts still put me as "overweight".

    I can sympathize with this. No one believes me when I tell them my BMI is technically Obese. My first year of college was my healthiest in years, and I was in the low 140s and still technically overweight. I'd just love to get back to that ;_;
  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    I've always been big too. Right now I'm the same height, weight, and pant size I was in the 4th grade. So that's what like 10? Yes, I was a freakishly large child. :embarassed: Before that I didn't really pay as much attention to those things. I think the last time I was at where my current goal weight is (the middle of "healthy") I was probably in 1st or 2nd grade. Definitely not anything I can compare to now.
  • MeRoHa
    MeRoHa Posts: 95 Member
    My healthiest weight was 145. That was decades ago. I have been overweight or obese most of my adult life. I just told my husband I wanted to get back to the 145 and he asked me if that was really realistic. I told him that I have been there before I can do it again. Even if it is harder being over 50. When in high school I was between 160 and 185. I used to want to be 115. I know that is not attainable. I am going to stick to my nutrition and exercise for an entire year and then reassess it then. So far I have gone from a high of 278 (July 15, 2013) to my current 245 as of Sept 18. I think 33 pounds lost in two months is a good start. I would love it if I could maintain a 10 to 15 pound a month weight loss, but that probably is unrealistic.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    I stayed around 150s in my early 20s i think lowest was 147, i told myself same thing, born chubby will always be chubby! Then when i had my son in late 2009 i was too big for my liking i was 170, in 2010 i tried but failed then i read and read books about how i should workout and eat for my body type, so i put it in to practice, and guess what!? In early 2011 i was at 115!! I was so proud!

    Fast forward things happen and saw myself this year fat again! But i am determined to get back to fit!
    So it is possible, set goals and do research! Good luck!!