Spironlactone and/or Aczone, anyone? Adult acne?

I should start by saying I think I have PCOS. I have most of the symptoms except heavy/unexpected periods.

I just got back from the dermatologist because i couldn't stand my adult acne anymore.

She put me on a regimen of spironlactone 50mg/2x daily (to counteract excess testosterone), Aczone gel and an antibiotic (the scariest part for me, because I reallllly don't want to be on an antibiotic long term).

Does anyone have any experience with this regimen-- all or in part? I'm especially interested in hearing from people who have adult hormone-related acne and/or PCOS.

Side effects? Efficacy? What's your experience been like?

I don't take ANY meds at all right now, so naturally, I'm nervous about taking all of these prescriptions. I'd love to hear some thoughts from others. Thanks! )


  • madworld1
    I take spironolactone for female adult acne. I noticed a difference within a month or less. My face looked like an oil slick before I started taking it. I had to reapply makeup at least once during the day. I blotted every 30 minutes or so. When I finally made an appointment with a derm, he said it was hormone related & put me on 50mg 2x a day. I also take bactrim.

    Knock on wood, my skin is so much better now!! Spironolactone was a miracle for me.

    Side effects- little to none. Spiro makes me pee a lot. Also, don't eat a whole lot of potassium- can be dangerous. I'm sure your doctor told you that. Bactrim makes me tired.

    ETA: Spiro also makes my already big boobs even bigger- esp around that t.o.m. They can also be painful at times.
  • Kari121869
    Kari121869 Posts: 180 Member
    I suffered from acne most of my life - it would come in 'waves'. In the past couple of years it got really bad - almost like a 'boil' type look on my face or in my armpit... (I had to have surgery for the armpit area as it was a recurring issue).. however: my dr is very 'diet/vitamin' motivated... he told me to STOP eating as much dairy as possible. The female hormones in milk (since it's mostly derived from pregnant cows) bombards some women's systems and it comes out in acne. Hard to believe I know but I will stand here and tell you right now once I cut down dairy big time (I'm a cheese-aholic lol) I saw a major decrease in my acne!!

    I still get the occassional pimple - especially if I work out alot from sweating - but NOTHING like it was. I do eat a yogurt a day and I do eat cheese here and there.. but I switched to almond milk instead of 'regular' milk... BIG difference there alone!

    Try it and see what happens...
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I suffered from acne most of my life - it would come in 'waves'. In the past couple of years it got really bad - almost like a 'boil' type look on my face or in my armpit... (I had to have surgery for the armpit area as it was a recurring issue).. however: my dr is very 'diet/vitamin' motivated... he told me to STOP eating as much dairy as possible. The female hormones in milk (since it's mostly derived from pregnant cows) bombards some women's systems and it comes out in acne. Hard to believe I know but I will stand here and tell you right now once I cut down dairy big time (I'm a cheese-aholic lol) I saw a major decrease in my acne!!

    I still get the occassional pimple - especially if I work out alot from sweating - but NOTHING like it was. I do eat a yogurt a day and I do eat cheese here and there.. but I switched to almond milk instead of 'regular' milk... BIG difference there alone!

    Try it and see what happens...

    I don't drink milk at all, and i recently switched to ONLY grassfed/organic cheese, butter and cream (those are the only dairy products i consume). I've even gotten in the habit of bringing my own cheese to restaurants. LOL. But yeah, I don't drink milk-- if I need something milky, i also drink almond milk. :)

    TY. :)
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Thank you so much. I hope my skin clears too! :) Some weight loss would be nice as well. LOL.
  • Kari121869
    Kari121869 Posts: 180 Member
    I also take apple cider vinegar capsules - 1-2 after each meal... they seem to have really cleared up my skin as well.. my oldest daughter tried them and had the same results... worth a try... and they help with weightloss :)
  • BIRD0
    BIRD0 Posts: 74 Member
    I used bactrim (antibiotic) for 90 days, and Spiro for a year and a half, after suffering from cystic, pretty severe, acne for 13.5 years. Those meds, plus epiduo and ziana topicals really worked. I don't have health insurance now, so I've been off of everything for a few months now, but my skin is still better. Now, instead of having a ton of huge pimples everywhere, everyday, I get maybe 2-3 little zits on my face a month, around menses or if i sweat a lot.

    Now the only thing I use is a benzoyl peroxide face wash.