Do I need more calories?

Help. I'm not really losing weight. In fact, I've put on 2 lbs in the last two weeks, which is discouraging. Previously I was eating 1200 calories, and working out, but not eating the work out calories back. I've been doing the 21 day sugar detox with Paleo, so I'm not eating sugar, not really anyway. So I've upped my calories to 1400, and figured if I do well with that, I'll keep upping it until I hit the happy medium of calories consumed and weight loss. I have been full, so its actually been hard to fit in more calories.
Stats- 27 yrs. 5'8". 170 lb. Definitely more hourglass and pear shaped, which I'm okay with.
Average meals-
B- 2 hard boiled eggs. Coffee with Trader Joe's soy creamer (its not paleo, but I'm a much nicer person with my coffee than without). I would also have a piece of fruit if I wasn't on the detox. Or if I was at home and not work I'd eat the two eggs and two slices of bacon.
L- 4 oz fish (garlic, sea salt, pepper and olive oil only). Spinach salad with sunflower seeds and 1/4 an avocado, mini bell peppers with olive oil/vinegar dressing. 1/2 a large cucumber with sea salt and fresh lemon juice. Water.
D- Varies. Usually some form of meat, and then a roma tomato, some cucumber, 1/4 avocado, or a cooked vegetable.
Snacks- Zucchini hummus 1/4 C with carrots. Almond butter. Coconut butter melted with a few dark chocolate chips as a dessert.
