How I became more motivated. Please share your's too.

I saw a post about (a fitness social network that gives users a trainer and M.D. for free) from someone on here and decided to register as the account is free anyway. It turned out to be a good move as iv'e been more consistent since then, mainly due to the fact that I wake up each day to a workout routine for that day posted by my trainer. Inconsistency has been my greatest enemy. When I try hard enough I see good results, but then I relax for some time and all my efforts are reversed. Now though, before I become innactive for a week, I receive a message from my trainer asking how things are and why I haven't been active and providing motivation etc.

My group Medical Doctor is a different story though as he takes several days to respond to my inquiry, usually when I've got my answer already or have contacted my personal M.D. and so I rely on my trainer alone. I wasn't expecting too much of them anyway, afterall its free and it has been very helpful so far.

That's how I became more motivated. Please share your motivation story as well, it could be very helpful to others.
