gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
edited September 2024 in Chit-Chat
Here's a new game: FANTASY vs REALITY. It's simple...type your fantasy (you want or wish for) and then your reality (what you have or what you have to settle for). I will go first.

Fantasy: I want to go to Italy and tour the city and indulge in authentic Italian cuisines.

Reality: I can only afford to occasionally eat at the Olive Garden.


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Fantasy: I am a world class, multi-million dollar winning jockey (you can't get much fitter than those guys & gals!)

    Reality: I'm stuck at 185 and busting my butt in the gym and weight room while fantasizing that any effort I put in will get me an awesome world-class body in any remote future.
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    I love this idea and your first post is almost what my first answer would've been!

    Fantasy: Marry a wonderful man who truly loves me for who I truly am, live simply on one salary and be able to work just part time myself, devoting the majority of my time and energy to my family. Living passionately and well.

    Reality: Single mom, working 1.5 jobs and doing the best I possibly can. Loving my child, making mistakes, learning from them and moving on.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Fantasy: Travel around the world & find cure for type I diabetes

    Reality: Two kids in college and daily finger sticks & midnight lows
    (but I've been half way around the world and I get to stay home and care for my children, thanks to my most wonderful husband)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Fantasy: Getting all my work done very quickly and not procrastinating in any way.

    Reality: Sit here, procrastinate. and dream about the above statement.
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    Fantasy - Own a world class quarter horse breeding/training facility

    Reality - Remember the two horses I did own and stare fondly at my horse tattoo.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Fantasy: own a string of chinese restaurants that makes good, healthy chinese food and me a lot of money :smile:.

    Reality: think about the golden palace up on the corner, drool, and know that I probably shouldn't have anything they make in fear of gaining back everything I've lost this week.
  • Fantasy: Waking up in the morning with the perfect body!

    Realty: I better get work because that ain't gonna happen!
  • fantasy: I am thin as I have been since I was 15.. 119lbs and curvy. I live with my boyfriend , have an awesome art teaching job, and have enough money to live comfortably and happily. I have a house and a garden and cats and dogs and maybe a couple babies (in a couple of years..)

    Reality: I am 150 lbs. I don't fit into any of my clothes. My boyfriend lives an hour away and we see each other once a week. I am in college. I am thousands of dollars in debt to my university. I am part time employed in retail and get to work once or twice a week and pierce screaming crying children's ears and get paid minimum wage. I live either at home with my parents or in a dorm surrounded by concrete and things will be like this for a while.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Fantasy: I am running along my favorite beach with my rock-hard six-pack abs glistening in the sunlight.

    Reality: I am still working hard to get rid of this little pooch that is hiding my awesome abs.
  • MitsuShai
    MitsuShai Posts: 151 Member
    Fantasy: I will grow to be a bolder and thinner person.

    Reality: I am only making little progress.
  • Blossom01
    Blossom01 Posts: 658
    Fantasy: That I still weigh 125 lbs. And can still into my size 5 dresses

    Reality: I weigh 185 and can only fit them on my body if I put them on from my feet up and only up to my lower thighs lol…
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