Hello there!

Ok, so I signed up at myfitnesspal a long time ago but nothing came of it.

I begin my journey in earnest October 1st (food / exercise diary, etc.)

I'm 45 years old, I weigh a bit over 270 lbs and I'm a bit under 6'2". For the past several years I've led a sedentary life (office job, couch-potato at home).

If possible, I'd like to lose about 60 lbs, though I'd be thrilled with 50 (I'll reevaluate at that point) and it all has to happen by the end of May 2014, when I'm getting married. 10 lbs a month seems reasonable for someone of my build and weight, I'm sure there'll be times when the lbs are just not melting off, but it's an average and a target I'd like to keep. I figure even if I fall short, it won't be by much and it'll still be moving in a positive direction.

As a lead-up, we've joined a gym and had our first workout there last night. I walked for 30 minutes at about 3.5 mph (average).

We cook a lot (no, seriously...A LOT) so diet shouldn't be much of a problem. We've started making a weekly dinner menu and shopping accordingly.

Um...I think that's it for now. Thanks for having me.


  • Kadoober
    Kadoober Posts: 289 Member
    Good golly, you're handsome!
  • rhachenberg
    rhachenberg Posts: 4 Member
    Yes. Yes, I am. Handsome enough to snag myself a beautiful, intelligent, insane woman who actually agreed to marry me.