Should you workout with a cough?

Sorry, I hope this is under the correct category but as said, should you do cardio/hiit routines with a cough? On Tuesday morning I did a hiit and I thought I was seriously having an asthma attack - it was painful and scary. So recently I have just been doing pilates but I feel as if this isn't enough :( I don't know what to do because I don't want to make the cough worse and slow down the healing process but then I also don't want to begin to gain weight; which at them moment I am as I have been eating lots due to stress (yes I know, you'll be thinking what an excuse, except my brother is missing causing me stress and I am over eating unthinkingly. I also eat more to take my mind of the pain of the cough etc, so bad combo all round)
Any thoughts? thanks :smile:


  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    If you are in pain, it's your body telling you to take it easy. Personally, I force myself to get up and at least jog for 15 minutes on the treadmill if I'm sick. It always makes me feel better, it's just getting there that I have problems with. Anyway, doing a little cardio through a cold/cough isn't going to hurt. If it does, don't do it. It's ok to take a time out while your body repairs itself. As for the stress eating, you know this is an issue. Make an effort to think about what you're putting in your body before you eat it.