New here but not to the routine :)

Hi Y'all,

Thought I'd post an intro real quick just in case I need to post or comment later on.

I'm a SAHM to 5 awesome kids. I come from a long line of, uh-hum, 'healthy' sized women. Think Scandinavian Viking women, that's me and my family. :) Thankfully I am quite healthy despite being too darn fat.

3 years ago after months of hard work I was 20-ish lbs from goal weight. One morning at the start of a regular 4 mile run down a quiet country road I'd run down hundreds of times before I was hit head on by a guy who wasn't paying attention and went off the road. I was very, very lucky that I lived. I am still recovering this long after the fact, still facing more surgeries. My 5th kiddo was a massive (very happy) surprise conceived shortly after the accident.

Between the two, I managed to gain almost all the weight I'd lost back in addition to really loosing my fitness level. So frustrating how much major injury can take out if you. I'm also learning what my body can and can't take now (I have lots of metal plates, some replacing obliterated bones. Kinda sucks). But I'm still alive and kickin' and now I'm ready to get serious once again and this time I want to avoid trucks so I can reach my goal weight in one piece!!

I'm down almost 20 lbs and up to walking 5-6 miles a day. 40 to go to get back where I was. 20 to be better than I was. I suspect I may need help along the way, so here I am.
