The more you lose the harder it gets?

Is this true?

After losing a respectable amount of weight does it get harder to keep losing? Or the weight loss slows down?

How can I fix this?


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    well I think the less fat you use, the harder it is to get your body to burn that fat since its getting its energy elsewhere, just keep at it
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    im trying to lose 15 more lbs to get down to 160. it was easy to lose 30lbs and its been hell trying to lose these last 15lbs!

    i had to change my calorie intake and im finally seeing results again, lost about a pound after a whole month of not losing anything!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Yes. Basic math. So let's say I eat no less than the recc amount of 1200 plus exercise calories.

    It takes about 15 calories a pound to maintain your weight.
    168 x 15 = 2520 to maintain 168 pounds.
    Now if you are 135 pounds (:grumble: ) 135 x 15 = 2025

    So the less weight you have to lose the less of a deficit you can have.

    Once you get within 20 pounds of your goal weight just plan on 1/2 lb a week. It is the safest way and you will KEEP it off!!

    Good luck and congrats on the 26 pounds!!:flowerforyou:
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    When I got to my goal of 147, I chose to slow down the weight loss. I made my daily goal 1300 calories and increased my protien a little, but kept my fat intake at 20% of daily calories. Sometimes a pound takes 2 weeks to lose, but I am still losing and have almost reached my second goal of 142, a little bit at a time.

    You can do this. It is giving you practice at maintaining a weight after you reach your goal.

    Have fun! :drinker: (water).
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I don't pretend to understand the math involved, but I have been consistently losng over the past 16 months. I have increased my exercise some over the months and occasionally I throw in a 'New' exercise like the Stationary Bike or Elliptical. Listen to your body and when you are able to do more Do It!! When I need a day off, I take it.
    Good Luck:flowerforyou:
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    It's not that your weight loss slows down, it's that you are now eating the amount of calories needed to support that weight. If you calculated your caloric needs based on your old weight instead of your goal weight, then you need to update it with your new weight.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Is this true?

    After losing a respectable amount of weight does it get harder to keep losing? Or the weight loss slows down?

    How can I fix this?

    When you first start to lose weight, that first week's weigh-in can be enormously exciting - 7lbs weight loss in one week is by no means, unheard of. However, that 7lbs loss will include excess water. The second week can be quite exciting too, 4lbs/5lbs, excellent stuff, still some excess water in that.

    However, after that and on about the third week, the weight loss will start to slow down to anything between 0.5lb to 2lbs per week (this is on average) - not any excess fluid now to lose, the weight loss is now getting down to the nitty-gritty, burning off the fat.

    The "diet" continues and then suddenly it can really slow down because your body is now getting lovely and efficient at burning the calories and fat, the less weight you have to lose, the more difficult it can be.

    However, just remember a golden rule, take in less calories than you burn and the weight has to shift in the end. It may not always be a lot, it may sometimes just be ounces, however, it will shift.

    That is as long as you do not give up. Don't overestimate the amount of calories you burn in your exercise and don't underestimate the amount of calories in your food and drink.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I don't pretend to understand the math involved, but I have been consistently losng over the past 16 months. I have increased my exercise some over the months and occasionally I throw in a 'New' exercise like the Stationary Bike or Elliptical. Listen to your body and when you are able to do more Do It!! When I need a day off, I take it.
    Good Luck:flowerforyou:

    WOW Jeannie 163 lbs and almost at goal!? Awesome girl~~ :love:
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    LOL okay, so apparently my mind is not int he right place today, when I read the title my first thought was............That's what my husband says
    bwah ahahhaha

    okay back on track now