Do Ya? Or Don't Ya?

AZhappy1 Posts: 11
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Quick Question.... I'm just curious . . . . . .

When you add exercise to your diary ..... do you then "eat" those calories???
Example: I'm on 1240 calories a day.... Then I add my workout calories burned say 300 . . . NOW It shows 1540 for the day.
I'm just curious what everyone else does. I personally try to NOT eat those extra calories....

On a recent visit, a few weeks ago, to my doctor for routine blood work - I was telling him how excited I was to have found MFP. I explained that I was on WW online, but just didn't get the support and interaction I get here on MFP. He laughed and said - "I also have a MFP account, it's a awesome program!" He continued to say he lost 13 lbs using the tracking system (as if he really needed to lose anything!!!) He then said he probably gained it back on a recent golfing vacation.... lol

As we spoke about the tracking system....I indicated that I DON'T eat those extra workout calories...And he said you are ABSOLUTELY right!!!! Try NOT to eat those... He continued to say.... MFP will absolutely work for anyone who will stick with it...and be honest with their tracking - whether you exercise or not.... BUT he said it will work wonders if you track AND exercise.... He said seeing my excitement about it made him want to log back on and track again.

I'm not going to say I NEVER eat those extra's... especially while I was recently on vacation. But as a rule I stay under my 1240.... And I feel great !!!!!! I don't know... And maybe I'm wrong for saying this... and I don't mean to offend. BUT..... seeing where some log cleaning house and burning 1000 for 5 hrs???.... Honey, I was fat when my house was clean. I've got to move my body and sweat it out.... IF I added 1000 to my 1240 = 2240 for the day based on "cleaning my house" . . . . . well I'd be right where I am now - needing to lose 114 lbs...


  • I believe it honestly depends on your body. For some people, like myself, when exercising and burning 300-500 calories, sometimes your body is hungry and needs and wants the extra calories. If you aren't hungry what so ever, don't eat the burnt off calories because its just nutrients and food the body doesn't need. (:
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    MFP is designed for you to eat back the exercise calories. So yes, you are supposed to eat them.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    When I was using MFPs method and had a goal of around 1300 I ate back my exercise callories. As that is how MFP works. I switched to using my TDEE calorie goals numbers, it was just easier, so now I only track how much time I spend exercising. My calorie goal is 1600 calories a day with the assumption I get 3-5 workout days.

    (And I only count "intentional workouts", not housecleaning or cooking or grocery shopping)
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Damn right I do. I already eat at a calorie deficit, so those calories are getting eaten.

    Now, if I ate at maintenance, and exercised to create my desired deficit, then no, I wouldn't eat them back.

    And if you're using MFP as designed, you're supposed to eat them back.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    MFP is designed for you to eat back the exercise calories. So yes, you are supposed to eat them.

    This. Please read how the site is set up. It's designed for you to eat back your exercise calories. It's surprising that even a medical doctor doesn't get this.

    Take a look at your net calories at the end of the day. That is what you are expecting you body to operate on.
  • I personally do ... And it works for me ive lost 6kgs (12 lbs i think?) in 6 weeks I find i get hungery the days i work out and its kind of like my little treat to myself for getting out there and doing something (excise has been mu biggst weakness lol) so i like to reward my efforts with maybe a yummy dinner or a nice after dinner treat using my extra calories :)

    But i agree everyone is different and every body is different as well i think people need to do what is right for them :)
  • I normally don't, but if I am feeling extra hungry, I will.
  • Loving all the input and different points of view! I'm new on the site. Only a month in. So I'm still on a learning curve. But one thing for sure - I won't feel so guilty about eating into those extra calories... lol
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    When I first started here, I did eat back my exercise calories. Then I started hitting the gym religiously, mostly to swim. That's when I switched to the TDEE-% - just because my daily goals were getting HUGE when I added back those calories from exercise. I still log my exercise, just wipe out the burn for logging purposes so I can keep track of how long I'm exercising, and if I need to recalculate my TDEE.

    As for logging cleaning - yes, I do. I work in a field where I'm cleaning houses regularly. I may not include my personal space, but when I'm cleaning a client's house, I'll log that time. Though, to be honest, most days it's not the cleaning that drives my time up through the proverbial roof, it's the time I spend in the gym. I usually will note the "actual" burn in the notes section, and when I'm "burning" 600 - 1400 for days that I work all day PLUS an additional 1200 - 1500 for time I spend in the gym, I know to keep a weather eye out for the signs that I'm actually HUNGRY, and understand if I eat a tad too much that day!

    I do understand that most people do not consider "cleaning" to be exercise, just because it is part of a regular activity plan. But for me, that would be cutting out a massive part of my daily activity, like cutting out the walking for a cop on foot patrol. The way it's logged into the system makes all the difference. It is often fun (if not outright addictive) to see the monster burns I usually generate because of how active I am (and how heavy). And, so far, I have not derailed my progress. I'm still averaging about 7 pounds per month lost with inches melting down as well most months.
  • I don't eat back the calories either because I feel satisfied with the calories I am given. If I exercise 600 or more calories I will eat back like 100-200 and I have been losing at a good rate.
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    I do on days I feel more hungry than other days. I am learning to listen to my body. :)
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    I'm sure your doctor is a smart guy but that doesn't mean he took the time to figure out how the site was supposed to work. Don't feel guilty eating them at all, they are helping you lose weight in a healthier and more sustainable way.
  • haunstar
    haunstar Posts: 40 Member
    I most definitely eat them back. Lost about a pound a week since I have been tracking! :)
  • Since I am in the process of gaining more muscle mass in increments at such a goal pace of .5 lbs a week I ingest a slightly higher glycemic dose of carbs and proteins pre and post workout and I find those calories spent and then adjusted higher to be a necessity . In maintenance stage I also see these calories to be beneficial to keeping existing muscles also. In a caloric deficit stage I think its even more important than the other 2 mentioned methods (personally) or stages so I can lessen muscle loss,with the exception if I've burned over 500 calories in a deficit stage. Then and only then will I not eat it all back. These methods have served me well over the last seven months from my own personal experience.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Definitely do. The extra calories are great motivation to get moving.
  • Bluizflame
    Bluizflame Posts: 151 Member
    I eat most of them back. However I don't log any exercises into MFP, I just let the FitBit add my work out calories that get put in as Fitbit calorie adjustment. Currently all i'm doing is walking or jogging mostly on a tredmill for exercise. There are a few apps that will automatically put in your exercises, RunKeeper is another I use when i actually walk outside.
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