i'm not losing weight...

blindedblue Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
hi there, i'm new to this online community

here's my dilemna... for the past three weeks i've been literally excercising everyday for 100 min on my treadmil. generally i burn about 1500 calories per workout session. now my weight has been varying about five pounds up and down. i found this really strange since i only eat about 1200 calories a day, i avoid soda and have been drinking water religiously....

why am i not getting results? am i doing something wrong? i thought at this point i would be dropping very fast...

also a month prior to this i was walking about five miles a day.

has anyone else experienced a stall in weight loss similar to my situation? i should also probabely mention i take iron supplements, as well as fiber pills daily.... would this have any effect on my weight loss stall as well?

any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated! :)


  • gcgrl788
    gcgrl788 Posts: 30
    I'm not positive but I have read about other people's issue with this and the advice for them was to change their exercise routine. Do something besides your treadmill. Also I have heard that you need to actually consume more calories to lose the weight. Maybe go up to 1300-1500 calories a day. I hope everything works out!!! =)
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    You need to eat more. There's some debate about this, but honestly I (and many other people) feel that you must net at least 1200 calories per day (this means a total of 1200 a day AFTER exercise) or your body will go into starvation mode, clinging to all of the calories you eat because it's trying to get nutrition. Search "eating exercise calories" or "starvation mode" on the message boards and you'll get a ton of posts discussing it.
  • i wish i had advice or suggestions for you, but i am in the same boat. i have been on the site for 30 days, doing my exercises and staying within my calorie range...and i have lost 2 pounds. so i need help also. :sad: SO IF ANYBODY OUT THERE THAT CAN GIVE ADVICE OR SUGGESTIONS WE ARE LISTENING!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    The number one reason why you're not losing is your deep in starvation mode.

    Starvation mode can be brought on by 2 different factors - assuming you're eating the typical western high-carb diet, you can go into SM by not eating every 3 hours, which is more minor of a problem. Your huge problem is you're in a negative calorie burn!

    Chronic Cardio and not feeding yourself will only result in loss of muscle while your body desperately hangs on to the fat that you have because it's not getting any. I know it seems like it will take forever, but honestly, you only want to have a deficit of 1,000 calories per day, which results in a 2 pound a week loss.

    I can explain more if you'd like on this - shoot me an email.

    The other HUGE thing is, you need to be doing some resistance work for maximum results! If you're not lifting some weights (resistance bands and body weight count fyi) then you're shooting a great 48 hour recovery window of deeply enhanced metobolic burn! Never give this up - it's money in the bank for losing calories.

    Eat 6 meals a day (I ate every 2-3 hours when I was losing weight) each meal should be at least 100 calories, some more obviously and if you're really burning 1500 calories (which is possible, but seems a little high - I say this not knowing your weight/height and cardio level! --- just know that if you're using the calorie burn total on a treadmill they are notoriously too high, either they vastly over estimate your burn in worst case, or they count what you would have burnd just laying on the coach in addition to your exercise calories - personally I hate those things and always underestimate)

    Keep your calorie deficit to 1,000 a day! You'll start seeing results and get on some strength training asap!!!!

    Best of luck to you - stick with it, it's a long fight, but also the most worthwhile one!

  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    You need to eat more and, sorry to say it, be patient. I have been doing MFP for almost two months now and have lost 17 pounds. However, there was about three weeks in there where I didn't loose an ounce and I was exercising at least two hours a day and eating about 1300-1400 calories a day. I have stayed at the calorie level, and exercise level (I do change up what I do from time to time but for same amount of time) the whole time. Eventually the theory of less calories in/more calories will win out.
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    I completely agree with Steve (who's also, btw a FANTASTIC coach for P90X who i work with)...i was going to actually say that you need to do other stuff besides the treadmill but its already been said...
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I tend to agree about eating more. Here is a GREAT post that explains WHY you should eat more: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/108362-eating-to-fuel-your-body-very-long
    Here is another post that is just plain good for explaining things in simpler terms: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/79181-dogmeat-s-thoughts-on-weight-loss

    If you look on the General Diet and Weight Loss Help page, there are some topics that are "stickied" at the top. There is a LOT of GREAT information in those that will help answer questions for you!
    Hope this helps!
  • emersoam
    emersoam Posts: 179
    How do you really know you are burning that many calories on your treadmill? Unless you are using a good heart rate monitor watch (accurately programmed), you can't have an accurate measure of this. If you are going by the treadmill "estimates," you should assume that it's off by quite a bit.

    I would also agree with another person on here that mentioned "mixing it up" and doing alternative activities. Our bodies are very good at getting acclimated to exercise, which means we have to constantly challenge it in new ways. And trust me, it gets harder the fitter you become.
  • fightingthebulge
    fightingthebulge Posts: 65 Member
    Yes as soon as I read this I said to myself " she's not getting enough calories if she is burning that many and consuming only 1200" if you are eating 1200 and burning 1500 per workout then you are negative 300 calories. I would increase your calories up to 900 more .
  • Dawn_2013
    Dawn_2013 Posts: 170
    One tip that I don't think has been mentioned, but some medications will hinder weight loss. If you are on any medications, i.e. anti-depressants, etc...a frank talk with your doctor may be in order. I agree with what the others are saying, you need strength training and enough calories to keep from losing muscle and going into starvation mode, but if medication is a factor, don't ignore that. There are options.

    And to repeat one member, patience with yourself. If your workout is a grind, find something that is more fun so you begin enjoying the experience. It shouldn't be punishment! :happy: Best of luck!!
  • thanks so much for the great information. that really gave me some insight to my problem :)

    also when is the best time to excercise?
    i usually excercise in the evening a few hours before going to bed as well. i'm not sure if that's contributing or anything..

    but maybe i do need more calories. i'm never hungry so that threw me off a bit... but that makes sense in a way...

    and i can probabely switch up my workout routine too to do different cardio workouts... most definately :)

    i'm just amazed by all the helpful feedback on this board. thanks again! :)
  • Conn1101
    Conn1101 Posts: 12
    These people have left wonderful advice. You need to ideally eat many small meals, and you are not consuming enough calories.

    Consider eating high protein, low sugar meals every 2.5 hours or so. Egg whites, grilled chicken, boiled eggs, etc.

    You might be over exercising too. I know at one point in my life I was going nuts with exercise and GAINED 7 pounds and did not lose waist sizes because my diet was not supporting my efforts.

    Lots of small meals all day, low sugar, high protein, and good carbs.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    hi there, i'm new to this online community

    here's my dilemna... for the past three weeks i've been literally excercising everyday for 100 min on my treadmil. generally i burn about 1500 calories per workout session. now my weight has been varying about five pounds up and down. i found this really strange since i only eat about 1200 calories a day, i avoid soda and have been drinking water religiously....

    why am i not getting results? am i doing something wrong? i thought at this point i would be dropping very fast...

    also a month prior to this i was walking about five miles a day.

    has anyone else experienced a stall in weight loss similar to my situation? i should also probabely mention i take iron supplements, as well as fiber pills daily.... would this have any effect on my weight loss stall as well?

    any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated! :)

    Have two days rest per week, it doesn't have to be two days in a row, but just give your body a chance to repair itself. You may not think the muscles get damaged, but everytime you exercise, tiny muscles fibres tear, then they repair and this is part of the mechanics of toning or building muscles. If you do not rest, your body never gets a chance to repair itself adequately and eventually you could get injured that will put you out of action for more than just a rest day.

    Everytime you exercise your muscles gather water, this is their protection, that water dissipates IF you rest, if you don't it never gets a chance. This will result in your weight never appearing to reduce.

    A rest is as good as a training session, especially the hardworking ones you appear to be doing! I applaud your dedication on your treadmill, I am a treadmill person too, I love it :laugh:

    The other thing, just make sure you are not underestimating your food and drink calories when you log them, this is a mistake that loads and loads of people make, overestimating the amount of calories burned during exercise is another. :flowerforyou:
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