Less than 800 NET calories



  • rowrunyoga
    rowrunyoga Posts: 65 Member
    The pictured participant cut three of his fingers off with a hatchet during the study.


    HAHAH! Whatever makes the number on the scale drop.

    start lopping off appendages...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My pleasure,

    It wasn't difficult to work out, given the information in your initial post. It's usually something simple. :smile:
    Thanks for not attacking my questions, I am just truly looking for clarification. Thanks!
    I'm sorry about all the attacks, it's an embarrassment and happens to a lot (all?) of the new people on here, it's not just you so don't worry about it. Just use the 'ignore' button...or use the 'report post' to send any insulting comments made towards you to the moderators. There's actually only about 10 of these users... but thousands of others on here - who you will find to be helpful, friendly and supportive.

    if only there was an ignore button in real life!

    Have you thought of trying the TDEE-20% method for your weight loss, instead of the MFP settings? If you do it that way it means you don't have to log exercise.

    Keep going & feel free to add me! :smile:

    You should make a list of these 10 people so everyone knows who they should ignore/report everything they say. Would save everyone the time and trouble of figuring it out on their own.

    ETA: Alternatively, you could stop your veiled constant "attack" against a group of people with whom you clearly have personal issues and let people reach their own conclusions.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    1. Net calories IS a thing. Whoever says it's not has no idea what they're talking about. Calories=energy. Burn more energy, take in more fuel. It's not a hard concept. Try driving your car twice as much and filling up the tank the same as you normally do. Tell me how that works out for you.

    I love the car analogy!
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