Having trouble with squats


I've recently started going to the gym and using MFP for about 3months now. I'm 195cm, currently 97kgs. was 107kg. What I'm doing seems to be working for me. Now loosing weight is a big plus, my main goal is fitness. I currently play basketball and want to preform better at it. With gym 3 times a week (25min interval running, 40min weights), a 40min basketball game and 90min basketball training (game&drills). Im seeing improvements in my overall fitness which is great.

Now my questions. My P.T has got me on a good program, and knows I'm aiming for fitness and improving my basketball. He's got me doing single leg squats, and also barbell squats. And i just have trouble doing more then 15. And he wants me to do 4x12. I know these are great for building muscle in the leg and with calf raises I'm seeing improvement but I just find them hard. And there not seeming to be getting easier? I see people doing deadlifts and read how great they are for building fitness including core strength, which is something i want to build, but I don't see myself preforming them well.

Is there a way i can build my squats up? or stick to what the trainer has assigned? I can do the leg press machine @ 85kgs quite easily, or is this something with as i loose more weight and build more muscle it'll just get easier over time?

cheers and appreciate all types of feedback..!


  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Just gotta keep doing them! And really, they shouldn't be "easy" anyway. Squats are one of the best exercises you can do for your entire body, so while they can potentially get easier, they shouldn't BE easy, if you know what I mean.

    Sounds like your trainer is doing a good job. Stick with his recommendations and just keep grinding....you will love the results :drinker: :smile:
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Keep doing them.
    I did and got stronger and when it got "easier" I bumped up the weight, making it harder all over again. It's should be challenging. I hated doing squats when I first started, but so happy I stuck with it.
    Love the results!

  • crb0077
    I have problems with squats too....mine is more form though, my legs used to come together which we've sorted but now I need to make my hips more flexible so I don't lean too much...which my trainer is trying to sort out! I find it really frustrating a I can leg press 350kg for 6 reps so have really strong Legs/Glutes for a girl.....but I want a squatters butt! :)
    I am disheartened, which is why he doesn't keep pushing me, but the leg press/extensions/curls/lunges are making the right muscles stronger and my form is getting there!!!
    As for deadlifts...they are another great exercise for the whole body but again form is important if you're lifting heavy....I love doing deadlifts and have just about nailed my form on those so looking forward to pushing myself on those!
    Keep at it, if it gets easy it won't be any fun anyway!
  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    It's just a matter of being persistent. Practice will get you there. It's not a great answer, but it's true. Try various squats and lunges, like Bulgarian lunges, squats with toes pointed out, wall sits (excellent for increased stamina and building up your quads).
    You need to practice more with just your own body weight and then once you feel you've got the hang of it gradually add weights.