Challenge Group

I want to get a 30 day Fitness Challenge Group together on Facebook on October 1st to help people reach their fitness and nutritional goals. What are your fitness/ weight loss goals? How is your current nutrition? Can you commit to working out and making healthy food choices with me as your Coach? Ask me if your interested


  • nicoleisme
    nicoleisme Posts: 95 Member
    My fitness goal is to run a 9 minute mile, which right now pathetically I'm at like the 13 minute line or so. I'm trying to not smoke anymore to help with that. My nutrition goals are mainly to eat only when I'm a hungry because I'm a big emotional eater. I'd like to incorporate more veggies and fruit into my diet of course too but slowly work that into my diet and I'm not going to not allow myself to eat any food, just going to be careful with portions and ask myself if it's worth the calories! My current nutrition is pretty crappy, I eat a lot of frozen foods and fast food so I'd like to change that with time, I just am impatient when it comes to food and don't like to cook I guess.