Diet Soda and Sweeteners - Effects



  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    once you do it, trust me you won't miss it. Give it 2 weeks and it will be a long lost memory instead of a monkey on your back
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    No, I dont have a study and statistics to post to back up how I feel (although I dont doubt I could probably find something if I had the time to look for it right now amongst the chaos of my 3 rowdy kiddos!) but I personally would rather consume REAL sugar, naturally occuring sugar than an artificially made one.... Have any of you ever wondered why it is the obesity problem is SO great in this country (its not just because we eat too much, its also what is IN our foods), why so many are sick & ill and why cancers are so prevalant...look back to the days when they didnt have all these chemicals and artificials in their foods, when your food came straight from the farm and was fresh...folks were not obese like they are today, they were healthier! It really isnt too hard to figure it out!
    If you like the fizz of soda...why not at least drink a soda that is sweetened with a natural sweetener like stevia or natural cane sugar? I know the cane sugar isnt 0 calories but for Goodness sakes at least its natural!
    I dont mean to harp on anyone, I used to drink a LOT of coke & pepsi, a LOT, but enough was enough! I quit cold turkey (which I know isnt the best way to stop for everyone) but I knew that if I ***** footed around with it, id never truly give it up! AND, my hubby still drinks it, but I just have to be strong, I insist that he not drink it around me and keeps it put away in the pantry so I dont see it every time I go into the far its been over a month with not even so much as a sip! Im very proud of myself and I think if *I* can do it, ANYONE can do it!
    Plus, ive heard that you can loose upwards of 15lbs a year simply from cutting out soda from your diet! THAT is good enough reason for me, besides...I feel much better not drinking it! You can definately tell a big difference once you finally stop drinking it!

    America is so obese because we have supersize everyday. Also, the poor happens to be the most obese because the bad food is so much cheaper than good food. The reason people gain weight drinking diet soda is because, the only thing that they may change in their diet is soda. They also end up drinking diet soda and thinking they can have that extra cookie. I believe it's all in our mindset and education. If we were more educated and good food were a little cheaper and we changed our mindset to not finding a quick easy diet, then I believe America wouldn't be so obese.

    I dont disagree with you at all! All of what you said is also true....but what is IN our foods also makes a difference....if most of what a person eats is chocked full of artificial colors, flavors, preservatives etc. then im sorry, but its just not good for the body. I think what we put in our bodies makes a difference....and also how much of it. and trust me, I know how much more expensive it can be trying to eat healthy having a family of 5 with 3 growing kids to feed...and I think its a darn shame :( but it CAN be done without breaking the bank, it takes a bit of sales, cooking from scratch, growing some of your own produce if you can (anyone with a patio or porch can grow fresh tomatos with a topsy turvy for VERY cheap!) and clipping coupons.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,362 Member
    ......and trust me, I know how much more expensive it can be trying to eat healthy having a family of 5 with 3 growing kids to feed...and I think its a darn shame :( but it CAN be done without breaking the bank, it takes a bit of sales, cooking from scratch, growing some of your own produce if you can (anyone with a patio or porch can grow fresh tomatos with a topsy turvy for VERY cheap!) and clipping coupons.

    I agree totally with you on it can be done. I still have not planted my own garden, no time but I clipp coupons and do sales and cook more at home. I am not there yet but I am definitely working on it. I still eat Lean cusines but I cut down on them for sure in winter when I have more time to stew and do soups and just cook at home. Thanks for reminder.