Insanity - not ready for Month 2

Hi all,

Just wanted some advice off anyone who's completed the Insanity workout programme.

I've done really well for the first 5 months, but moving onto month 2 is an absolute killer!

I'm tempted to go back and start Month 1 again, and hope that by the time Month 2 comes round I'll be in a better position.

I'm disappointed really, Month 1 has shedded lbs and really transformed the shape of my body, and I'm proud of what I've done so far, but I genuinely don't believe I'm ready for the second month.

Thoughts would be appreciated,


  • igypsy
    igypsy Posts: 64 Member
    It is a BIG jump to Month 2. I think everyone feels this way!! If you want to carry on with more of Month 1 then go for it, it will certainly do no harm and is a really great workout! BUT, even re-doing Month 1 won't necessarily prepare you for Month 2.

    I suffered through Month 2 workouts at first, laughing at the ridiculousness of some of the moves, lying in a heap the rest of the time. But after a while you find you are able to do more and more, until you are far stronger and have much higher endurance.

    Month 2 is even tougher on the joints though - there is a lot of jumping - so make sure your form is ok and don't push yourself too hard.

    Good luck!
  • Star_1234
    Star_1234 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi, When i first started month 2 I thought there is no way I will ever be able to complete the workouts, my body wont be able to handle it....i felt how you are feeling right now....but then in the second week of month 2 and my body adapted quickly and im now able to complete the workouts. My advice would be to give it a few days and see whether you start to see improvements.

    Best of luck
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Hi all,

    Just wanted some advice off anyone who's completed the Insanity workout programme.

    I've done really well for the first 5 months, but moving onto month 2 is an absolute killer!

    I'm tempted to go back and start Month 1 again, and hope that by the time Month 2 comes round I'll be in a better position.

    I'm disappointed really, Month 1 has shedded lbs and really transformed the shape of my body, and I'm proud of what I've done so far, but I genuinely don't believe I'm ready for the second month.

    Thoughts would be appreciated,

    Wait... You've done Month 1 for 5 months? :huh: I think you're ready to move on.
    You are asked to go at YOUR max in month 2, just as you are in month 1. Yes its more difficult, but that's the point. I don't understand the anxiety with continuing a program you're already working.
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    I am about to start month 2 for the second time in about a week and a half and I'm dreading it. lol They are harder, longer workouts but they are so worth it and your body will adapt. I wouldn't automatically restart month 1 just because you don't think you can do it. Try first. You'll be surprised what your body is capable if you put your mind to it. You don't exactly have to keep up with their pace and you can always modify the workouts. The whole motto of the workout is to dig deeper and Shaun T definitely makes sure you do. Get it out of your head that you can't do them and just do them. Start month 2 and if after a week you know that you know you're not ready for them, then maybe go back to month 1 if you really want to. I think you can do this though!
  • dannatona
    dannatona Posts: 101 Member
    It never gets easier, you just get stronger! You can do it! Just push through (but don't hurt yourself), once you finish you'll feel so amazing about yourself :)
  • drazani
    drazani Posts: 98 Member
    I'm only 3 days away from finishing the Insanity program, I struggled at the start of month 2 (it felt like just starting the insanity program) but after the first week I was more confident that I COULD finish this month as well, you will be amazed at what you can do, just go at your own pace, if you really need a break during an excercise take it, being so close to finishing the program now I am only just starting to keep up with the ones on the DVD but not on every excercise.