Running-completed the C25K!!!!

I always saw people running and wondered why, when it was freezing cold and raining, on sunday morning when being tucked up in bed would surely be better, why do it to yourself??

When I started the C25K I was so proud of myself for running (jogging) for 60 seconds, when I ran for the 5 minutes I felt like a true athlete, then after skipping the last 5 weeks of the plan and just getting on with the 5K I am addicted to running! In fact, I was addicted after the first day of the plan. I do go out if it is raining, or scorching hot (Bless the random UK weather) and I cannot wait to get out again, even if my legs are aching.

I still cannot answer why we do it, but I can now say I understand :love:

(Just had to share my running joy!)


  • 1szeb
    1szeb Posts: 7 Member
    Congratulations!! You should be proud of yourself! :-) It's always so hard to start. I'm hoping to do the c25k myself, but I have really bad knees. I started but had to stop because the pain was intense. Now I'm doing strengthening exercises and other good stuff, then when I'm stronger I'l try again. I've always wanted to run but my knees have held me back for so so many years. But this year I decided I'm going to try to make it work. And if I still can't, well, I'll know I tried. Congratulations again! Enjoy the freedom. Just make sure to take care of yourself and treat those joints like gold :-)
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Yay! Congratulations!