This is what I never wanted



  • Are you counting calories? And if so, are you weighing your food?
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member

    ...and don't fall into the "1200 calorie" vertigo of suck because of:

    the typical MFP users does this:
    1. I wanna lose weight, let's try MFP.
    2. OH! Wow, it tells me I can lose 2 lbs a WEEK? AWESOME!
    3. I just sit at a desk when I'm not working out, I guess I'm sedentary.
    4. MFP tells them 1200 calories, and they don't even eat that.. then they work out on top of it.. creating an even bigger deficit.
    5. Lose a lot, fast, brag about 1200 calorie success.
    6. Come back in a few months trying to figure out why they're dizzy, tired, not losing weight.
    7. Get on the forums, ask why they aren't losing.
    8. Get two responses (I eat 1200 and lose) (I eat 2200 and lose)
    9. Argument ensues about who is right.

    Now. That being said. These threads happen hundreds of times per day. Most times, and I mean really.. seriously.. 95% of the time.. people get the 1200 number because they don't put the right information in when they set up the account. There are a great number of people that are trying to help. I'm one of 'em.

    I'm a hardcore advocate of actually finding out what works for the individual.. by means of other calculators, averages, time, practice, and patience.

    Blanket prescriptions of 1200 calories "because it worked for me" is more harmful to the generic new user than the "figure out what you need to eat." Unfortunately, one is a LOT easier to type.

    Find out what you need:
    Take the tips, links, and info above and make the cart more manageable to stay on.

    This Is exactly what happened to me. I'm now trying to undo the damage I've done to my metabolism by eating under 1200cal a day. Once i hit my goal I upped it to about 1600 for maintenance and it all came piling back on as I had done some serious damage.

    I know eating more seems 'wrong' but please do your research. Good luck.
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,866 Member
    The 2224 calories you said was your maintenace level (your TDEE) so you need to knock 15-20% off that to find how many calories you need to eat. If you eat 2224 calories you will not lose. So that would be 1780 for 20% or 1891 calories for 15%.

    Good luck
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    It is SOOO hard to change the lifestyle.

    "It's so easy because I say it's easy and that's all there is to it. " - My Profile

    I really believe it's 90% in your mind. Thinking like that works for me. Maybe it will help you too?
  • The 2224 calories you said was your maintenace level (your TDEE) so you need to knock 15-20% off that to find how many calories you need to eat. If you eat 2224 calories you will not lose. So that would be 1780 for 20% or 1891 calories for 15%.

    Good luck

    Sorry, I meant that with my exercise accounted for it was saying I should be eating 2734 or something so basically eating 2224 would be enough to lose some weight , but that amount seems huge to me and I've not been loosing weight. There's no way I'm eating just shy off 3000calories a day but yet I'm gaining more often than I lose.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    The 2224 calories you said was your maintenace level (your TDEE) so you need to knock 15-20% off that to find how many calories you need to eat. If you eat 2224 calories you will not lose. So that would be 1780 for 20% or 1891 calories for 15%.

    Good luck

    Sorry, I meant that with my exercise accounted for it was saying I should be eating 2734 or something so basically eating 2224 would be enough to lose some weight , but that amount seems huge to me and I've not been loosing weight. There's no way I'm eating just shy off 3000calories a day but yet I'm gaining more often than I lose.

    With TDEE calculations, you don't add in exercise calories.

    Try this:

    go there, put in your information.

    Try with what it says. Give it 6 weeks.
  • So my basal metabolic rate is 1793.
    My TDEE is 2466.
    Daily calories based on my goal set is 1850 - all according to the Scooby calculator.

    Thats like a whopping 400 kcal more than what MFP has set, its a whole meal in my eyes! Wow, im kinda hoping this is the way for me, get to eat loads :)

    On that note though, I have definately not been eating anywhere near that on a daily basis so Im hoping I've not done too much damage to my system.

    Thanks for the advice everyone, feeling quite good today, far cry from how i was feeling 2 days ago. Not finding it overly taxing either to log the calories, the scan button on my phone makes for much easier tallying. I'll have to update a few favourite recipes and stuff which will make it easier and quicker in future too.

    Fingers crossed :)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    best of luck. fingers crossed for ya.
  • Cheers , the advice has been appreciated - how long have you been following this because your weight loss is pretty awesome?!
  • fats are not the enemy, saturated fats and trans fats are bad. healthy fats that you can eat came from: nuts, most fishes, omega 3 suplements, olive oil.

    tracking your calorie intake its a great idea, you get used to it, follow most of the advices in here, if you have any doubt, you can always look in internet, if you dont want muscle, be healhty and dont gaing weight, run, go out running, its an excelent excercice, at least 15 minutes, interval training, maximum 30 minutes, download some magazines, woman magazines are crap, for real, all that already read are just fancy things, beauty and no more, running times, thats a good magazine, runners world also, take the first step, runnning its great :D. pd: and it help you from runnning out from the thieves hahaha