Gaining Weight, Weight Training, Cardio, Vitamins & Protein.

Good Morning!

I am 28 year old, female, 5"8 and weigh around 110lbs, I have been pretty much the same weight my whole life..fluctuating 6-7lbs. I have a high metabolism, I use to work as a bartender so I moved around a lot and play women's ball hockey twice a week. Now I have a desk job and play hockey once a week, weight has not changed, I just became more lazy with less energy. I am a high stress individual, so my eating habits were all messed up and has affected my day to day energy, moods and health. As well, I am pretty proportionate, and have a some curves and would just like to get thicker all around, not just toning.

SO, I have opted for a change, and I have some questions...

I have been doing weight training at home focusing on specific groups ( Arms & Back and then Legs - with dumbbells) on rotating days, I have also been doing squats ( with weights), sit ups and push ups every time I work out. Then after my weight training I have finished with doing 20-30 minutes of yoga.

*Am I over doing my work out, I also use to do kickboxing years ago and want to get back into it.. If I did kickboxing, weight training and yoga.. will I have to eat a ton of calories?? my stomach is only so big!

* I have opted out of doing cardio, cause I fear this would be counter productive in the weight gaining process, what is your opinion on this? My boyfriend tries to push me to go jogging with him ( I hate jogging), because he says that I need to build endurance for hockey.

*I need to get my own protein, because my boyfriend is trying to lose weight and I am trying to gain, and he buys low cal protein.. any suggestions?

* As far as diet, I eat a minimum of 2220 Calories a day now, I am eating better, cooking healthier meals and meeting my daily calorie requirements. it is not easy, I find myself pushing myself to have larger servings and adding more milk to my diet, I know the daily protein shakes will help with this.

*Vitamins, I am planning on going with the Truestar vitamins, they are expensive but they have the extra nutrients I need and are not horse size pills. As well the extra Vitamin E, is important for my hair, skin and nails ( girls got to look good you know!) I am hoping these vitamins will help with my moods/energy as well as the exercise.

I appreciate any knowledgeable input, be respectful.

Thank you.



  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    On your workouts, make sure you are focusing on relatively heavy compound movements (bench press, overhead press, squats, deadlifts, etc.). Lots of good programs to choose from such as Stronglifts. I personally see no reason to eliminate all cardio when trying to gain weight. Just be aware that you have to eat back the calories you burn doing cardio. On the protein shakes, they are fine as a supplement, but try to get your protein from food sources (chicken, fish, milk, yogurt, etc.) and see where you are at on your daily macros. Good luck!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    you don't need different protein from your hubby's - just have a bigger serving or add flaxseed or peanut butter for some extra calories :)

    i stick with a cheap multivitamin as you only need a certain amount - any extra just gets flushed away :/
  • I work out at home, I do not have a bench or anything.. Just dumb bells, resistance bands and my own body weight....

    Any suggestions??

    I am switching my milk to whole milk and will be buying greek yogurt and adding nuts etc. I eat chicken almost everyday as it is and lots of potatoes and pasta.

    Thanks for the response! :)
  • you don't need different protein from your hubby's - just have a bigger serving or add flaxseed or peanut butter for some extra calories :)

    i stick with a cheap multivitamin as you only need a certain amount - any extra just gets flushed away :/

    * Good point! I will look more into it and maybe just get a regular multi-vitamin and make sure I get my max vitamin E, to help my hair growth, skin and nails.
  • I work out at home, I do not have a bench or anything.. Just dumb bells, resistance bands and my own body weight....

    Any suggestions??

    I am switching my milk to whole milk and will be buying greek yogurt and adding nuts etc. I eat chicken almost everyday as it is and lots of potatoes and pasta.

    Thanks for the response! :)

    Find ways to progress on some squat variant, deadlift variant, push up, pull up, bent over rowing, overhead pressing\hand stand pushups. This can pretty much be done with your body, dumbbells\bands, and a weighted backpack.
  • Find ways to progress on some squat variant, deadlift variant, push up, pull up, bent over rowing, overhead pressing\hand stand pushups. This can pretty much be done with your body, dumbbells\bands, and a weighted backpack.

    My current routine is:
    Push up
    Squat - w/ weights
    Standing Bicep Curl
    One-Arm Barbell Row
    Triceps Extension
    V-Tuck for Abs.
    30 Minutes Yoga, All Around.

    Squat - w/ Weights
    Lunges - w/ Weights
    Calf Raises
    Front Leg Raises
    20 Mins. Yoga Abs & Legs.

    I will research variances! thanks for the input!!!
  • Find ways to progress on some squat variant, deadlift variant, push up, pull up, bent over rowing, overhead pressing\hand stand pushups. This can pretty much be done with your body, dumbbells\bands, and a weighted backpack.

    My current routine is:
    Push up
    Squat - w/ weights
    Standing Bicep Curl
    One-Arm Barbell Row
    Triceps Extension
    V-Tuck for Abs.
    30 Minutes Yoga, All Around.

    Squat - w/ Weights
    Lunges - w/ Weights
    Calf Raises
    Front Leg Raises
    20 Mins. Yoga Abs & Legs.

    I will research variances! thanks for the input!!!

    i think you would be doing quite well if you add in a vertical push (overhead press with DBs or bands or assisted handstand pushups) and a vertical pull (assisted pull\chin ups)

    You would really be ok alternating between a day of squat, pushup, rows and another of lunges, vertical push, and pull\chinups and then adding in the few isolation movements you are doing and just alternating between the 2 on 3 non consecutive days per week (mon\wed\fri for example)
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    If you properly perform the big 3, bench, squats, deadlifts, and

    If your last rep of the set is *almost* impossible,

    Then you're doing it right. Isolation lifts or upper/lower splits are a complete waste of time if you properly perform a compound lift with maximum weight with maximum effort. Your whole body will feel sore, trust me.

    You shouldn't be doing more than 15 reps per set though. If you can lift it one more time, you don't have enough weight on there.
  • Depending on how hard you train em you may be overdoing your triceps. But this depends on how many reps weight ect... Like those who said stick to compound lifts yes and no, depending on your goals. Squats are a great full body exercise and if you do not have access to a bench then there are other options to the traditional bench press. Check out for compound exercises you can do from your home

    Just check the boxes for the ones you want
  • try this

    My current routine is:
    Push up > push ups feet over a box
    Squat - w/ weights > jump squats
    Standing Bicep Curl
    One-Arm Barbell Row > inverted barbell row with your own weight
    Triceps Extension
    V-Tuck for Abs. > jacknife with yoga ball
    30 Minutes Yoga, All Around.

    Push-Up > push ups feet over a box
    Squat - w/ Weights > jump squats
    Lunges - w/ Weights > romanian lunges
    Calf Raises > single leg calf raise
    Front Leg Raises
    20 Mins. Yoga Abs & Legs.

    actually i train at home, with my own body weight and some dumbbells.