Yogis - help me out

So I've recently started doing hot yoga and I love it. The only problem is positions where a lot of weight is on my hands. Besides just having a lot of weight to put on my hands and that causing stress/pain, I have a condition where my nerves get damaged really easily. I'm finding that my hands are going completely numb after a class with a lot of positions with weight on my hands.

Hopefully this will get better as I have less weight to put on my hands and as try more "flow" classes where I won't hold the poses as long (currently doing hatha), but for now can anyone recommend any adjustments I can make to common weight-on-hands poses so that I can actually use my hands after I do yoga?


  • geekmomof3
    geekmomof3 Posts: 18 Member
    try bikram yoga. also done in a hot room, but no poses are done with weight on your hands.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Balling your hands into fists might provide some relief.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    You can use your fists and make sure all your joints are stacked on top of one another. Also, if doing downward dog or anything in a similar position you can modify and do dolphin instead (downward dog but on your elbows) this will still work the same muscle groups but take pressure off your wrists. Avoid moves like wheel as that puts your hands in a really awkward position with pressure on the wrists too. And the best part about yoga, do what you can, break when you need to. It's your practice and only you know how your body feels.