Ok, to many "diets" Need help

I am so overwhelmed with the different kinds of diets that are out there. So what I want to know is. What is the HEALTHIEST way to eat. I dont want a diet, I want a lifestyle change. I have about 100 lbs to lose and I want to do it safely and the best way so that I will not gain it back.

I have been off of here for a while. But things really got put into perspective when a family friend passed away from a heart attack at the age of 19 a couple of days ago. Granted she had heart issues before and actually suffered from her first heart attack when she was just a few months old, she was still overweight and I am sure that it did play some part in it. I am 30 years old and I have no intention of leaving my 3 kids behind. So this is a changing point for me. That was I guess you could say, My aha moment. I just know that if I keep on the way that I am going that 6 feet under is coming soon and I want to be old and gray before that happens.
I know that there are diets that can help me lose the weight fast, but that is not what I want. I want to lose weight but be healthy in the process. I know losing that fast can put a strain on my body and actually make my health worse. I want to be skinny but I want to be a healthy skinny, not "skinny fat".
Can someone please inlighten me? I mean Weight watchers, atkins, paleo, clean eating etc. Its a little much.


  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Don't do a diet. Do something that you can do for life. Like you said, lifestyle change. You can eat whatever you want as long as it fits into your goals. Would eating mainly fruits, veggies and lean protein be optimal and give you more bang for your buck? Yes. Is it the only way? No. I try to eat whole, minimally processed foods most of the time but I still fit treats in, almost everyday.

    ETA: I forgot to add breads/carbs in there, not because they're bad, they aren't. I'm just not a bread eater, always have been that way and I forget to add them in. I do get most of my carbs from fruits and veg.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    Sorry about your young friend... :(

    For weight loss? You can eat what you want you just need to count your calories and keep around your daily allowance.

    For nutrition - 40% carbs 30% fat 30% protein on your macro settings - don't forget about vitamins and minerals, fibre etc.