How to take in more Potassium?



  • Shaky44
    Shaky44 Posts: 214 Member
    I need extra potassium because I am on blood pressure medication. The best sources I've found are sweet potatoes, orange juice and raspberries. I know, I know - you shouldn't drink your calories. If one more nutrition "expert" tells me that, I'm going to punch her or him. I drink Trop 50 Calcium and vitamin D. 50 calories for an 8 ounce glass and 450 mg of potassium.

    Nearly all fruits and most vegetables are good sources, so you don't have to eat sweet potatoes and raspberries every day.

    For lunch, I make a salad with romaine lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and mushrooms, and it gives me 986 mg of potassium.

    I'm really curious as to how much you are taking in and what your goal is. If my goal is 3500 and you are trying to take in "extra potassium" that must mean you're gunning for 5000mg or so. After your lunch gives you 986mg you would still have over 4000mg to go.
  • Jerseygrrl
    Jerseygrrl Posts: 189 Member
    I need extra potassium because I am on blood pressure medication. The best sources I've found are sweet potatoes, orange juice and raspberries. I know, I know - you shouldn't drink your calories. If one more nutrition "expert" tells me that, I'm going to punch her or him. I drink Trop 50 Calcium and vitamin D. 50 calories for an 8 ounce glass and 450 mg of potassium.

    Nearly all fruits and most vegetables are good sources, so you don't have to eat sweet potatoes and raspberries every day.

    For lunch, I make a salad with romaine lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and mushrooms, and it gives me 986 mg of potassium.

    I'm really curious as to how much you are taking in and what your goal is. If my goal is 3500 and you are trying to take in "extra potassium" that must mean you're gunning for 5000mg or so. After your lunch gives you 986mg you would still have over 4000mg to go.

    I do aim for 4000-5000. I love fresh fruits and vegatables and they make up most of my calories on most days. A medium peach only has about 60 calories, but it has about 280 mg of potassium. A medium tomato has only 20 calories and a little more than 200 mg of potassium. Initially, I spent a lot of time planning meals and snacks to try and get to the amount
    I need, but now it's become second nature.

    The salad for lunch only has 280 calories (that includes salad dressing, which doesn't appear to have any potassium in it) so I'm not burning up a lot of calories to reach that 1,000 mg.

    I am hoping my physical next month will show that I'm getting enough.