I'm turning into a nag.........

pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Now that I'm holier than thou in the fact I've lost 14lbs and learned so much on this site and seeing as though I'm now a mathematician, scientist and a doctor, I can't stop nagging my husband. He has a big belly and his eating habits are the pits. He's never gone on about me for years but I can't help it because you chaps keep giving me excellent information that makes so much sense and I can't keep it to myself. I might have to poke him in the eye if he dosn't stop rolling them. Only kidding:devil:


  • less_carbs_4_life
    less_carbs_4_life Posts: 15 Member
    Just give him some space, if you keep nagging he'll only keep rolling his eyes and thinking about how much you nag and he won't think about losing a pound. He'll want to lose weight eventually, with you around him looking better each day, he'll start thinking about it and he'll start when HE is ready for it, not when you want him to start. Anyway keep it up, you're doing great, your husband will join you soon you'll see if you just talk about it less with him=)
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I'm the same as you! Once I see the results in myself and have the new knowledge I just want to go out and share it with my loved ones! I find myself endlessly criticizing my best friend on his bad food choices, but I suspect he's getting annoyed with it. The only thing we can really respectively do is let them see our own progress and be an inspiration. We can't force good foods and exercise on them so we need to work on being a role model instead :)
  • elizawe
    elizawe Posts: 54 Member
    You could shame him into weight loss by telling him that you will lose your entire retirement savings on medial bills as a large abdomen will increase his risk of heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, stroke, high blood pressure and the list goes on and on and on. If his waist size is greater than 40 inches he has already fallen over the cliff. Visceral fat, which is the fat around the abdomen secretes an inflammatory fatty acids puts a tremendous strain on his body organs such as the liver and can result in diabetes, heart disease etc.

    Another option would be to make all his meals and make them healthy. As he starts to realize that eating healthy tastes good too, he will be more likely to follow along. When the healthy food gives him more energy, he may decide to go on a walk with you. Who know!!!

    I know it's frustrating why people don't catch onto our common sense suggestions after we have our epiphany but he will come around with your loving and gentle support.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Do you cook the majority of meals in the home? I agree with previous posters that nagging probably isn't going to do a lick of good. I know I personally do not respond well to nagging and neither does my husband. That being said, my husband is not "dieting" and yet he's lost 40lbs just like I have just because I changed what kinds of foods we buy at the market and I cook our dinners. He has thanked me countless times for making it so easy for him to lose weight and when people ask him how he's lost his weight he always tells them that it's really easy since I do all of the cooking and there really aren't many unhealthy options in the home for snacking either.

    He does eat a lot more than me but he's a male, they need more, and he works outside of the home and plays racquetball so he earns way more calories than I do without even thinking about it as exercise. Life isn't always fair eh? :P
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks for the advice. The problem is he dosn't care. He does not have the same guilt or embarrassment that I carry. He's happy as he is which is all well and good but he needs new knees and has high blood pressure. His dad died of a heart attack so this puts him in the high risk bracket. I buy all the healthy foods and prepare them, he eats them and then goes mad with bread, cakes and biscuits. I've told him about his health risk many times in a polite way and thats why the post because I've started nagging because I don't want him to die. I've even stopped buying the rubbish stuff so he then goes out and buys it. The power of food eh!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I'm the same with my dad. I gave up redmeat and pork and i tried to make him to, but every once in a while he comes home and tells me he had a burger or something...and i give him the "look" and then I tell him how i'm proud that he's cut down so much on the redmeat or pork...But my dad seemed shameless and like he didn't care about hs weight, but when i started doing medifast years back, and he saw i dropped 30 pounds in a month, he got on nutrisystem and lost 40 pounds in 2 months. We couldn't afford it anymore, so of course we gained it all back and then some....but my point is that you can lead by example and soon they will follow in some way. I do all the cooking, and if we eat out, i'm the one who picks up the food, so i can monitor everything he takes in when he is home. And if he wants something else he can cook/get it himself! Be patient and DO NOT NAG...you have to say things in "guy friendly language". Tell him you are losing motivation and would really like if he would help you out like 3 days a week by exercising...guys like it when you need them haha
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    I'm the same with my dad. I gave up redmeat and pork and i tried to make him to, but every once in a while he comes home and tells me he had a burger or something...and i give him the "look" and then I tell him how i'm proud that he's cut down so much on the redmeat or pork...But my dad seemed shameless and like he didn't care about hs weight, but when i started doing medifast years back, and he saw i dropped 30 pounds in a month, he got on nutrisystem and lost 40 pounds in 2 months. We couldn't afford it anymore, so of course we gained it all back and then some....but my point is that you can lead by example and soon they will follow in some way. I do all the cooking, and if we eat out, i'm the one who picks up the food, so i can monitor everything he takes in when he is home. And if he wants something else he can cook/get it himself! Be patient and DO NOT NAG...you have to say things in "guy friendly language". Tell him you are losing motivation and would really like if he would help you out like 3 days a week by exercising...guys like it when you need them haha

    What a lovely daughter you are. I think I've got you the guy friendly language like "if you want rumpy pumpy ever again, shed the belly". Do you think that will work? :blushing: :laugh:
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    No nagging - he has to do in his own time. I remember how I feel when someone is prodding me! Yikes! He will as he sees you change. Perhaps once a week you try a new recipe that is low-calorie/low-fat and that looks really yummy to you. There are many posted to the Recipe Forum on the Message board and websites out there that specialize in light cooking. Here are a few I know about:




    Take a nice walk together after dinner!
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    I've been enjoying an evening walk with my husband. No nagging...just "want to take a walk"...15-30 minutes still help. Maybe he'll be up for longer walks later. My husband has decided to join me in the Couch to 5K challenge...he's hesitant but I told him about the inspiring stories on this site and he's willing to try it :smile: .
    Share your excitement, he'll probably be inspired by you.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I'm the same with my dad. I gave up redmeat and pork and i tried to make him to, but every once in a while he comes home and tells me he had a burger or something...and i give him the "look" and then I tell him how i'm proud that he's cut down so much on the redmeat or pork...But my dad seemed shameless and like he didn't care about hs weight, but when i started doing medifast years back, and he saw i dropped 30 pounds in a month, he got on nutrisystem and lost 40 pounds in 2 months. We couldn't afford it anymore, so of course we gained it all back and then some....but my point is that you can lead by example and soon they will follow in some way. I do all the cooking, and if we eat out, i'm the one who picks up the food, so i can monitor everything he takes in when he is home. And if he wants something else he can cook/get it himself! Be patient and DO NOT NAG...you have to say things in "guy friendly language". Tell him you are losing motivation and would really like if he would help you out like 3 days a week by exercising...guys like it when you need them haha

    What a lovely daughter you are. I think I've got you the guy friendly language like "if you want rumpy pumpy ever again, shed the belly". Do you think that will work? :blushing: :laugh:
    haha I dunno if sex ultimatums would be good, but to be honest (sorry if this is tmi) sexercising is a really good work out and dr oz says that if you increase your *love making* one more day a week you could save your life haha.
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